Sontag versus the werebunny…

  • el
  • pt
  • by Frank Paynter on October 25, 2025

    loyal to the canon of high culture in literature, music, and the
    visual and performing arts. But I’ve also enjoyed a lot of
    popular music, for example. It seemed we were trying to
    understand why that was perfectly possible and why that wasn’t
    paradoxical… and what diversity or plurality of standards
    might be. However, it didn’t mean abolishing hierarchy, it
    didn’t mean equating everything. In some sense I was as much a
    partisan or supporter of traditional cultural hierarchy as any
    cultural conservative, but I didn’t draw the hierarchy in the
    same way…. Take an example: just because I loved Dostoevsky
    didn’t mean that I couldn’t love Bruce Springsteen. Now, if

    are all sorts of modernist dogmas in architecture, which came to
    prevail not only because of their aesthetic values. There was a
    material support for these ideas: it’s cheaper to build
    buildings this way. Anyway, when the term postmodernism began to
    be used across the field for all the arts it became inflated.
    Indeed, many writers who used to be called modern or modernist
    are now called postmodern because they recycle, use
    quotations–I’m thinking of Donald Barthelme, for instance–or
    practice what’s called intertextuality.

    Van Gogh and Warhol are treated as equivalent by Jameson for the
    sake of theory-building, for fitting examples into his theory.
    That’s when I get off the bus. In my view, what’s called
    postmodernism–that is, the making everything equivalent–is the
    perfect ideology for consumerist capitalism. It is an idea of
    accumulation, of preparing people for their shopping

    Baudrillard is a political idiot. Maybe a moral idiot, too.
    If I ever had any thought about functioning in a typical way as
    a public intellectual, my experiences in Sarajevo would have
    cured me forever. Look, I did not go to Sarajevo in order to
    stage Waiting for Godot. I would have had to have been insane to
    do such a thing. I went to Sarajevo because my son, a journalist
    who had begun covering the war, suggested that I make such a
    trip. While there for the first time in April 1993, I told
    people I would like to come back and work in the besieged city.
    When asked what I could do, I said: I can type, I can do
    elementary hospital tasks, I can teach English, I know how to
    make films and direct plays. “Oh,” they said, “do a play. There
    are so many actors here with nothing to do.” And the choice of
    doing Godot was made in consultation with the theater community
    in Sarajevo.

    years. The play took two months. I doubt if Baudrillard knows
    how long I was in Sarajevo. I’m not a Bernard-Henri Levy making
    his documentary Bosna. In France they call him BHL; in Sarajevo
    they called him DHS–deux heures a Sarajevo–two hours in
    Sarajevo. He came in the morning on a French mlitary plane, left
    his film crew, and was out of there in the afternoon. They

    concrete reality! I’m for complexity and the respect for
    reality. I don’t want to think anything theoretically in that
    sense. My interest is to understand the genealogy of ideas. If
    I’m against interpretation, I’m not against interpretation as
    such, because all thinking is interpretation. I’m actually
    against reductive interpretation, and I’m against facile
    transposition and the making of cheap equivalences.

    in California. We stood at street corners and twice were stoned

    { 3 comments… read them below or add one }

    J. Alva Scruggs 10.25.06 at 7:53

    A fine contrast. Where Sontag was capable of having the courage of her convictions, to the point of physical courage, and when wrong capable of admitting it, BHL exists as an ornament for the sophist’s stew, in which he floats safely and superficially on the surface like a useless, tasteless, foppish garnish.

    Frank Paynter 10.25.06 at 9:42
    madame l. 10.25.06 at 10:08

    she shrugged it off. “People think that I’ll
    be angry because it’s pirated. But I’m not

    Surely she was weeping
    entirely with those words.

    * * *
    let’s hop in the caprice and shoot us some bunnies, marie.

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