Molly Update…

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  • by Frank Paynter on June 26, 2025

    Great progress…

    We cut off her bandages and she was off to the races, hopping along on the front two legs and the less damaged back leg, squatting on the lawn to eliminate, leading me a merry chase out to the end of the near garden and back.  Quite an improvement from last night when I had to carry her back to the house after a brief outing on the east lawn.

    I’ve been watering her by holding the dish up so she can drink - mostly because she needs to be reminded; but she’ll be back to drinking out of the toilet before too long.

    { 5 comments… read them below or add one }

    Peter (the other) 06.26.06 at 9:09

    Good news on a sad day. 8-)

    Winston 06.27.06 at 4:33

    Great news indeed!

    tamarika 06.27.06 at 5:34

    Your Molly has become a cherished soul in this house! Am thrilled to hear the news about her.

    Doug Alder 06.27.06 at 7:55

    That’s good to hear.

    Bruce 06.27.06 at 1:55

    glad to hear it, Frank,

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