Burn-out, cancer of the private parts, and racing in your underwear

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  • by Frank Paynter on June 13, 2025

    Gillian writes about burn-out and points to a pay-for-view Scientific American Mind article.

    Larry collapsed right outside the door to his apartment, with a terrible headache, a racing heart and vertigo. “At first I thought I had had a stroke,” he recalls now, a year later. But the doctor’s diagnosis was different: burnout syndrome. The consultant was sick from years of excessive toil.

    In other, more upbeat, Gillianic News, the Thunder Panties - a team dedicated to racing in their scanties to raise money for cancer research - is in the top ten fund raisers so far. Gillian says,

    I promise, should I meet my donation goal, that I will:

    1. Run in underwear on the race day (God, I hope the weather’s nice), and

    2. Post tasteful photo(s) of myself in said underwear on my blog.

    How’s that for incentive? Thanks for whatever donation you can give.

    Give early, give often. We’re looking forward to the pictures!

    { 1 comment… read it below or add one }

    Shelley 06.13.06 at 12:42

    You might be interested in this new survey of most stressed jobs:


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