Suck Lives!

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  • by Frank Paynter on June 11, 2025

    Pixels tidily cast in lucite, pages served from somewhere deep in the bat-cave, Suck (”a fish, a barrel, and a smoking gun”), the once mighty webPub and meme-machine-’zine emerged this morning through clickage associated with a hunt for David Foster Wallace. Nick Maniatis’ Howling Fantods, an extended DFW bibliography, has the top Google rank for David Foster Wallace 2025, but just guess which little blog o’ mine stands second behind it.

    When you drop the “2006″ qualifier, Listics falls to number 19 in the race for fame through critical appreciation or just mean spirited criticism of the Infinite Jester, a placement well above - I competitively must add - the notorious Languagehat who nitpicks DFW to death in a lengthy diatribe here. (Notice: any satiric intent inferred or imputed to any content on the Listics blog should consider first the profound and more recent influence of TOM Swift, and only then the marginally interesting stylings of the DEAN.)

    Languagehat’s essay calls for a response, and respond I may. I have tucked away a draft post titled “The Reconstruction of David Foster Wallace.” I’ll work on that after I have finished my current, more critical blog-in-prog: “Soylent Diesel; an examination of alternatives for resolving the emergent petrochemical problem.”

    { 4 comments… read them below or add one }

    J. Alva Scruggs 06.11.06 at 10:16

    Soylent diesel will bring you smack up against the mercenary politically correctness of the anthropophile lobby — Big Humanity, as it’s called amongst those of us who struggle against it. Fortunately, the last thirty years of the government’s growing understanding of our needs has made the climate a little warmer, heh, and friendlier.

    I think I can work with you on this, Frank.

    Frank Paynter 06.11.06 at 11:11

    I have passed a proposal to the University of Chicago Econ. folks and the Chemistry Department. There is an obvious need for an emulsifier that will dissolve the barrier between supply and demand, that will return the market to its happiest condition where demand really does feed supply. There may be a Nobel prize in this for all of us. In fact we may be able to sweep all five Nobel prizes and clean-up with a Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics! What a coup!

    Welcome aboard the project team, J. Alva.

    J. Alva Scruggs 06.11.06 at 1:17

    It’s just a matter of finding the right site for the plant and we’re ready to go! This takes me back to the glory days of the dotcom boom, Frank. I am excited!

    language hat 06.11.06 at 1:18

    I look forward to your reply, confident that it will be more interesting than the usual “how dare you attack that Genius of Literature, DFW!” (Note: Accusations of nitpicking are rendered otiose by DFW’s own obsessive nitpicking. Live by the nit, die by the nit.)

    –The Notorious LH

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