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  • by Frank Paynter on June 10, 2025

    Now is the time on “listics” when we pretend that what our readers think matters to us. If you are someone who gets a periodic dose fed straight from an aggregator, I encourage you to drop by and respond to the content poll in the right sidebar. What would you most like to see more of here? Anti-intellectual thuggery? Lefty politics? Drop by and vote.  Heck, leave a comment telling us you voted.

    { 14 comments… read them below or add one }

    Liz 06.10.06 at 11:11

    okay, I’m here, now where’s the poll? I don’t see no poll…

    Frank Paynter 06.10.06 at 11:51

    Poll sucks… my free version only allows 100 views per day. then it breaks. It’s actually a pretty good tool, but I have to decide if I want to spend money to doink around. The number of “views” seems to be tied to page loads too, not to votes. So anybody googling through counts as a view of the poll, even if they don’t even see it there in the sidebar.

    J. Alva Scruggs 06.10.06 at 2:14

    The questions on the poll were good. I’m a little troubled by the question regarding anti-intellectual thuggery, however. I think a little more of the right kind would not be amiss. For example, I think easily 90% of doctoral dissertations could be rejected with either, “not so” or, “no”. The percentage goes higher for think tank studies and newspaper op-eds. People look them over far too seriously, even if they’re pretty sure there’s little more to them an elaborate troll. It’s hard to get much more succinct than “no”. Hence the need for thuggery. Authentic thuggery, if you will.

    But really. Post whatever you want. I read it all.

    Brian 06.10.06 at 2:29

    Ur. I was going to vote. Do good intentions count?

    madame l. 06.10.06 at 2:40

    i’ll vote in the morning but i read it all too (there are some posts i return to over and over). at the moment i’m still mulling over your recently divorced neighbour re: social status and the interview with david foster wallace. my kind of news.

    madame l. 06.11.06 at 2:21

    when i saw the results i wish i had voted for farmyard tales and personal reflections. is this like, diebolded?

    madame l. 06.11.06 at 2:24

    uhm, wished.
    upon seeing the results…
    more farmyard tail.

    Winston 06.11.06 at 5:46

    Cool gizmo, even if it sucketh in some ways. I’m in the vast minority, but comfortably rooming with the madame in calling for more barnyard tails.

    Never heard the end of the hard drive saga after our email exchanges. Wha’ hoppund?

    Frank Paynter 06.11.06 at 8:32

    Good news! There seems to be a timer on the voting so you can vote again from time to time! So in this casee the old Democrat machine slogan of “Vote early, vote often” would seem to apply. But the vendor reserves the right to close the polls when you least expect it.

    Winston, the P4 Dell works with the second drive removed, and the factory video card installed. A new machine with a 3GHz Pentium D arrived and has soaked up all the time I should be spending in trying my last best effort to rescue the data that’s on the drive that’s in the baggie that sits on the shelf in the messy office where Frank works.

    ASSUMING the ribbon connector in the older Dell that hooks up the CD drive is the same as the disk connector, I’m going to remount the drive, disconnect the CD, attach the ribbon and power from the CD to the drive, cross my fingers and hit a huge manual D-Bar switch I have in the cellar for tornado emergencies. As lights dim all across Southern Wisconsin and the Governor looks around wondering if they have installed an electric chair in Waupun prison or something, as cars skid off the road in befuddlement from the sudden loss of traffic control signals, as several hundred thousand cows look-up and furrow their bovine brows in annoyance that the pleasant ministrations of their milking machines have been interrupted, I expect that the power hungry drive will spin up and make my cat and dog pictures again available for blogging. Or not.

    Jon Husband 06.11.06 at 1:33

    ditto on cool gizmo. I wuz gonna try the other day, but it was closed down, same yesterday .. success today.

    doubled up on the success by getting the right answer ;-)

    Frank Paynter 06.11.06 at 2:23

    Hey… I’m in the middle of handcrafting a post about you and Thermo[SAT] and everything.

    Cyndy 06.11.06 at 8:45

    I’ll be back to vote. It’s late and the page views have eaten it. I have a feeling that reading the choices will be a treat.

    Winston 06.12.06 at 3:56

    In regard to your light dimming project for Southern Wisconsin, even if you don’t have success (pictures, not lights out), the bits and bytes are still on those ornery platters. If you cannot make it happen, email me again… I am allotted one wish by the High Holy Gods of Data Recovery each year, and I can think of no better use of it than helping you get Molly back.

    Frank Paynter 06.12.06 at 5:12

    Thank you!

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