Amanda Congdon interviews George Soros

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  • by Frank Paynter on June 8, 2025

    I think this is important.  I’ll be interested to see what the Happy Tutor has to say about it.

    One of Soros’ most interesting points in the top level presentation relates to markets.  “You can’t leave everything to markets,” he says.  Markets are very good at allocating resources among competing private needs, but they do not address common needs.

    Ms. Congdon has four “extra interview clips” augmenting her daily RocketBoom presentation. I’m heading back there to check them out.

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    I Dove Into Delete » Blog Archive » Back in the Day…
    06.08.06 at 2:56

    { 3 comments… read them below or add one }

    J. Alva Scruggs 06.08.06 at 9:26

    Soros is socially fairly smart. He knows that capitalism requires the clean-up power and protection of a generous welfare state, that safe prosperity is impossible without some kind of enforcement of human rights and fascism eats even billionaires. Politically, he’s an interventionist liberal who prefers as little violence as possible: colored revolutions, ballot initiatives, schools, NGOs and so forth. He plays rougher in other people’s backyards — the former communist bloc — than he does in his own. I think the Happy Tutor would point out that he has some of the noblesse oblige that the sane hyperwealthy use to keep their power and privilege.

    Steve Sherlock 06.12.06 at 5:40

    Yes Frank, I agree this was an excellent interview. Amanda does good work even when not being funny!

    Charles Follymacher 06.12.06 at 11:56

    I remember this from a previous life:

    Now that I have a better understanding of the whole anarchy thing, I’m ready to offer a (new) shallow assessment of the kinds of people in the world. There are five. Definitely. Five.anarchists (ban the man)
    unionists (anarchists with pension-plans)
    apathists — aka critics (whatever, man)
    conformists (whatever, man!)
    capitalticks (the man)

    I was going to add a sixth category, theocratics (G-men), but in the end I decided they’re really just another kind of conformist, no? And then there’s George Soros. I don’t know what to do with that cat. Guilt-ridden capitalist? Rich anarchist? I just don’t know. Well, whatever, man.

    Which will you be — The horseman? The iron? The cannon? The wheelbarrow? The top hat?
    Pick your poison.

    I still don’t know what to make of Soros.

    [editor's note... memer said that -fp-]

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