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  • by Frank Paynter on February 18, 2025

    If I was you and I was reading a blog from SoCal at around 9pm on a Saturday night, I’d turn off the compunit and I’d get in the car and head for

    1016 N Orlando Ave
    West Hollywood, CA 90069

    { 2 comments… read them below or add one }

    Danny 02.19.06 at 10:45

    Okay, I’m intrigued, especially since this is close to where I live. What’s happening here??

    fp 02.19.06 at 10:57

    There was what some might call a party, I think… pretty much all I know about it is encapsulated here:

    “…you’ll meet the usual (though, given the late dispatch of this invitation, less numerous) collection of vivid people that generally turn up.

    You’ll also meet our hosts, who are a couple of good guys. And this is a truly fat scene. The swimming pool
    is very warm and available to you (with or without a suit) and surrounded by landscaping as lush as the garden of the Lord.

    You’ll dig it. I promise.

    But, of course, chances are you can’t be present on account of your being too distant, dutiful, or broke to suddenly fly here at the last minute. Even many of those who may be close at hand will not read this (if they ever do) until some time Tuesday, when it’s all over
    but for the memories of those who turn up tonight and what you might read in the papers should things turn south.

    As usual, I encourage you strongly to pass this on to any cool people you know in LA whether you’re coming or not. We’ve met some great folks this way. If you like them, chances are the rest of us will.

    The other customary conditions apply. We’ll prime the
    pump, but you should bring anything you want to drink, eat, smoke, or absorb by cutaneous patch. Hula hoops and musical instruments are welcome, as is any music that makes you dance like you’re invisible.

    Anyway, I’d better shut up and send this out. Forward it, if you like, but forward it to people who aren’t shy for hostile.”

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