Lists of Four, or tag - you’re it!

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  • by Frank Paynter on February 13, 2025

    Jeneane tagged me, god love her.  I was starting to think nobody would.  Now I’m faced with tagging four people who might play and who haven’t been tagged…  shit.  If I tag someone who already has been tagged, then they’ll know that I’m not reading every word they’re blogging.  If I tag someone who has not been tagged, then they’ll think this is some kind of subtle one-ups-man-ship.  I could tag Weinberger but he used to write for Woody Allen so he can undoubtedly run circles around me where this kind of neurotic bullshit is concerned.  Oh well, it will work itself out.  Here are my lists… such as they are:

    Four Jobs I’ve Had

    • Carvel frozen custard guy (counter service and peddling the big bike with the bells and the freezer-chest)
    • Caustic Soda Operator - Dow Chemical (quick-lime manufacture for the mid-sixties Asian graves market)
    • Pre-sales Technical Consultant - Wang Labs (trying to keep the sales guys’ enthusiasm in check…)
    • Telecommunications Director - CUNA - integrating voice and data systems in the days of Novell LANs and big PBXes

    Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over

    Four TV Shows I Love to Watch

    Four Places I’ve Been on Vacation

    Four Favorite Dishes

    • Beth’s Hamburger Globble (people know this dish by different names.  My mom called it "goulash."  It has ground beef, elbow macaroni, freid onions and garlic, and tomato sauce)
    • Pho
    • Sushi at Edo, on the corner of Emerald and Park Street in Madison
    • Baked squash stuffed with spinach, sausage, and sour cream (my "favorite dishes" are on a sort of last in first out memroy stack order, except for the "globble" which I have always loved).

    Four Websites I Visit Daily

    Four Places I’d Rather Be

    Four Bloggers I’m Tagging

    { 5 comments… read them below or add one }

    jeneane 02.14.06 at 8:14




    madame l. 02.14.06 at 8:58

    “fudgie the whale, comes in his own ocean!
    fudgie the whale, for a whale of a dad!”

    fp 02.14.06 at 9:12

    You can call me fudgie if you want to.

    Dean Landsman 02.14.06 at 4:52

    Tom Carvel sold the business som eyears back, to a Japanese group, I think. Since then Carvels have been disappearing from the landscape here in the New York metropolitan area. Nor do we see Carvel products in teh grocery stores anymore.

    Used to be simple: want to find a Chinese Restaurant? Locate a Carvel . . . and vice-versa.

    I miss those hokey Carvel ads!

    I Speak of Dreams 02.15.06 at 4:16


    Frank’s tagged me for the four meme thing that’s going around. When I get out from under this pile of work getting ready for the Great College Tour, I’ll get to it. four meme

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