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  • by Frank Paynter on February 12, 2025

    I’ve watched this list of four items thing spread and I’ve been bummed that nobody tagged me.  Now Jeneane has tagged me.  That makes me feel good.  I’ll do it tomorrow.  Thanks Jeneane.   

    { 7 comments… read them below or add one }

    Charles Follymacher 02.13.06 at 8:37

    Most embarrassin, fp. For me, that is — i’d just assumed you’d done it some time ago (seemed like just about everyone and their bloggin dog had). Subconsciously, we wuz all savin the best. Yeah, that’s it.

    fp 02.13.06 at 9:10

    Sure… and after my broad hint that got you going, my lip quivered and I sniffled a bit to see that you hadn’t invited me. It was what one might call an “Eeyore moment.”

    Troy Worman 02.13.06 at 3:11

    There you go wearing your heart on your sleeve, again, Frank.

    Dean Landsman 02.13.06 at 8:00

    Jeneane tagged you — I guess that means you’re IT. Er, that’s it, the word, not IT as in Information Technology (or the host of other uses of IT as an acronym).

    Or, in recent, not-quite-modern adspeak, “you’re teh IT GUY!”

    Charles Follymacher 02.14.06 at 5:21

    See, picking up hints is not my long suit. That’s prolly why my examples and language tend to be as subtle as your dog’s red boner. If I get a chance to again, consider yourself pre-tagged, mister p.

    Gary Turner 02.15.06 at 2:57

    Ahem, Mr P.

    I tagged you on this two weeks ago. And I tagged Jeneane. And you both ignored me PLUS Jeneane had the audacity to tag me two days ago - after responding to someone else tagging her AFTER I had!!!

    Talk about bummed!!!


    Gary Turner 02.15.06 at 2:58

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