Weird Science

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  • by Frank Paynter on February 12, 2025


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    From college campuses to coffee shops, from the Green Zone to the Walgreen’s, among surfers and lurkers, coders and hackers, the military and the mallrats, pherotones are taking the country by storm.  One is tempted to ask "Would the idea have caught on so quickly if the brilliant scientist behind the discovery was not also a fox?"  But one will not ask this.  That would be like asking "What would Rocketboom be without the beautiful Amanda’s advertising assets?"  You see, these are meaningless questions in the age of mindful media.

    Creativity knows no gender boundaries, nor are secondary sexual characteristics alone enough to assure widespread acceptance of revolutionary new ideas on the bleeding edge of technology.

    Today, poised on the verge of a marketing breakthrough of her most brilliant discovery, the - yes, pulchritudinous - scientist Dr. Myra Vanderhood has been ruthlessly barred from disseminating knowledge of her breakthrough via the one online resource where we could have expected her to get a fair shake.  So now, just on the verge of a major breakthrough in a new field of science, the research has seen a setback of major proportions.

    Myra’s latest post reveals the stress that she feels, some no doubt due to the Wikipedia deletion of the pherotones data:

    My research seems to consume me…with every moment squeezed for all of
    its seconds. Things are moving quickly now, and I must be ready for the
    transition. No one takes a moment off. We eat at our desks. We answer
    few emails and even fewer IM’s. This pace can’t keep up. I begin to
    long for the lazy summer days of my youth near the water. It is my
    supporters, my fans, my "Citizen Scientists" that keep me going. I look
    forward to soon offering them something for their smart questions,
    insightful comments, and constructive criticisms. If only a small token.

    Perhaps I will draw a hot bath, and make some tea. It will all work out for the best.

    It’s a boom or bust market here on the Internecks.  We can only wish Myra the same success that Amanda has achieved.

    { 2 comments… read them below or add one }

    bmo 02.13.06 at 12:51

    Nowhere in the literature did I notice if pherotones might be adapted to car horns.

    This would be a good thing. Tension Fucks eliminating most Road Rage. Sex on the freeways. Something to do while stuck in traffic.

    fp 02.13.06 at 1:56

    Sounds like a good avenue of inquiry… you might want to contact the good Doctor Myra and see if she is ready to open a new product line.

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