Tony Pierce Rocks

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  • by Frank Paynter on January 19, 2025

    Young man, met him in a dark bar on the lower east side, he was way polite and everything… whenever I read him I ask myself why not everyday?  His site loads slow though…

    anyway, he has an early link to the Bin Laden truce offering and an excellent comment thread beneath it.

    And he has a brilliant post on Drew Barrymore and why it’s okay for her to be normal.  My word, normal, not his.

    { 3 comments… read them below or add one }

    Brian 01.20.06 at 4:37

    I have not thought over the truce offer much - it’s been a busy week and life is short. My impression was that al Queda was a decentralized group i.e. that bin Laden provided guidence, overall direction but the sub-groups were free to operate within the guidance.

    If this is the case - and I am willing to be wrong - can bin Laden offer a truce and make his followers obey?

    And to - my knowledge of Islam is scant. I thought one tenet of the faith as practiced by bin Laden was that you could not make a genuine truce with an infidel - only one to buy time while you gather strength …

    tony 01.20.06 at 9:34

    glad you liked the posts

    and yes, my blog loads very slowly, that should be fixed in a few months.

    fp 01.20.06 at 10:52

    Glad to hear it Tony. Brian, I’m concerned that this “truce” offer from the criminal bin Laden is groundwork for something terrible. He must know that we have no intention of negotiating with him, so I think his offer is public posturing. Later, when the worst happens, he can use his offer exculpatorily. He can exonerate himself then (he thinks) from th edeath and destruction, the inhumanity, by pointing to his offer of a “truce.” Hard to imagine coming to terms with a murderer. Even more ironic that he seeks terms from the Bush government.

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