"Denise Howell of Bag and Baggage receives the award for Blawg Diva, a very special honor."
From Blawg Review: 2025 Awards.
…and this from the transcript of the Blawggie Awards Ceremony:
Well, let’s jump right into the show. 2025 saw a tremendous growth in
the number of legal blogs, also known as "blawgs," thanks to the
word-coining abilities of Denise Howell.
What do they call it when you get thousands of lawyers, law professors,
law librarians, law students, legal consultants and others writing
blogs that focus on law-related content? A good start. (Applause.)
All that sizzle and she doesn’t have her own listing on Wikipedia. I think that sucks. I’ll bet she’d have her own page if her image appeared burned into a miraculous wart curing latke. I know she’d have her own page if she was on death row somewhere.
Really what I’m looking for WikiWise is a "Who’s Whom." We could do that — if we had gigabucks to blow on another free public service server farm. Someone call the Mormon geneography project. I’ll bet they’d fund it from Salt Lake.
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Denise Howell 12.28.05 at 6:06
Merry Frankmas! Since I could never afford the malpractice insurance associated with wart curing or the legal fees associated with death row, I will simply count my unWikiness as a particularly welcome holiday blessing. Hugs to you and Beth (and to Fang!).