Miracle of the Latkes

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  • by Frank Paynter on December 27, 2025

    One of the latkes I made on Frankmas eve emerged from the hot peanut oil in the exact shape and image of the Virgin Michelle.  The Virgin Michelle, an inordinately shy woman and thus unsung in new testamentary prose, was Mary of Nazareth’s first cousin and Joseph the carpenter’s housekeeper.  We are storing the miraculous latke in the freezer until it can be assessed for sanctity and assigned a Vatican miracle number by a papal representive.   In the meantime if you have hives or shingles or what-not, do stop in since most conditions can be cured by a simple glimpse of the miraculous pfannkuchen.

    { 9 comments… read them below or add one }

    a livia plurabelle 12.27.05 at 10:49

    Oy such iconoclasm in 2025!

    Brian 12.27.05 at 12:45

    an inordinately shy woman and thus unsung in new testamentary prose, was Mary of Nazareth’s first cousin and Joseph the carpenter’s housekeepe

    I do not always understand you but you’re always an entertaining read.

    Stu Savory, Germany 12.27.05 at 1:13

    Coincidentally, I just read in another window :-


    Stu ;-)

    Mike Golby 12.27.05 at 3:12

    I have notified Father Christopher of this most remarkable event, Frank, and he has cut short his South American Reunion Tour to make his way to Madison and confirm the miracle (you’ll note a bright red star over Wisconsin on the mysticbourgeoisie sitemap).

    I’m enormously happy for you, know that this has happened for good reason, i.e. you’re deliriously drunk again, and wish you many happy returns. I do believe it’s your birthday today, old man, and as always, hope you enjoy nothing but the best now and in the future.

    Have a really good ‘un.

    PS: It is your b’day, innit? If it’s not, so what? ‘As always’ applies :).

    Mike Golby 12.27.05 at 3:26

    Hmm… I read blogs top down. Not a good thing. Go clean the kitchen.

    Dean Landsman 12.28.05 at 3:26

    No, Frank. Not Michelle, but close: it was Miriam, but she only appears on motzah, come that Springtime holiday (the one when MOTs reportedly drink the blood of babies whose religious parents see tears from a virgin on a waffle)(and why would a virgin recline on a waffle, anyway?).

    And the observant ones then holler, “Holy Moses!” to honor the son and his mother.

    Add to this an important, related matter: at a White Supremecist camp somewhere in Idaho or Montana, a young blond haired blue eyed racist nubile sweet thang asked her mercenary boyfriend a question about them heebs. “How come them heebs call potato pancakes the name of that blond foreigner commie girl from Taxi?” Her boyfriend replied, “I don’t give a shit about them heebs. But you’ve been watchin’ TV instead of cooking the beef I shot here on the campgrounds? Sheeyut, woman, what kind of white wife will you make a man?”

    And to ‘learn her a lesson good’ he then shot the TV, right in the center of the picture tube, with his AK47. All good protectors of the race carry one.

    “That’ll keep you from watching that jew-tv! Them jews control the media. We don’t need no TV in our Caucasian home. You git in the kitchen and cook, and show me just what kind of true loyal white woman you mean to be! And no more talking about them horned animal Christ-hating heebs in this house, woman!”

    Where else but in the blogosphere could a discussion on latkes over the holidays morph (degenerate?) into a small microcosm of Separatist-Patriot-Militia types soap opera snapshots?

    Life is beautiful, and it obviously takes all kinds.

    Now I have to see if I can see the face of the devil in some hamentashen. If so then the next step will be to offer it on eBay and to notify the media of same.

    fp 12.28.05 at 8:48

    Yes, Dean and thank you for sharing. Well… Your lengthy disquisition on the domestic habits of my cousins reminded me at least of one compelling question of a comparative religious nature that we have seen answered in our life times:

    Q: Where was Moses when the lights went out?

    A: In the dark!

    p.s. (I don’t know who this Miriam lady is, but the latke in question has on it a clear image of Mary’s cousin Michelle).

    Stu Savory, Germany 12.29.05 at 11:21

    Where was Moses when the lights went out?

    Praying at a funeral. For God had said to Moses “Take these 2 tablets and call me in the mourning” ;-)

    fp 12.29.05 at 1:08


    Those who want to talk with God should follow the above link. (Lifted from a comment thread at Dr. Weinberger’s).

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