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  • by Frank Paynter on November 25, 2025


    { 4 comments… read them below or add one }

    Tamar 11.25.05 at 1:43

    Nor me … : )

    Dean Landsman 11.25.05 at 5:03

    Isn’t this the day each year when sane people stay indoors, off the roads, and away from the afflicted, who have caught the dreaded “consumer bug?” We know that people suffering from this bug become senseless, inconsiderate, and also lose all ability to not only interact with others, but also to have any measure of normalcy or discretion when it comes to spending the money they’ve earned for the past 11 or so months.

    Adding to this is their seeming inability to drive safely, whether they are headed to or coming from places where they battle with other similarly afflicted ones, going after what they think may be the cure, but is only a further symptom of this horrid malady.

    It makes Asian Flu seem appealing, if one could select which dread disease. . . in this case one from Column A or one from Column B (just keeping the Asian motif going).

    Winston 11.26.05 at 7:54

    Usually avoid it like the plague. Coundn’t yesterday. Washer blew gasket and dryer threw a belt. New laundry pair being installed today, Another $1100 down the drain. Always something…damn, damn,damn…

    Winston 11.26.05 at 7:56

    PS - But managed to avoid the grid-lock at the mall and Wal-Mart.

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