Thanks to Madame Levy for the dinner music, Ry Cooder and V.M. Bhatt… I recommend it.
Thanks to Governor Reagan for closing the state run institutions oh so long ago, and showing us a new model for caring for the emotionally disturbed, thus made homeless and often successfully suicidal, sometimes homicidal. There’s something special about these winter holidays when you know there are people sleeping in cardboard boxes and on the streets because a choice was made to defund a program and return a buck-three-eighty to some rich son-of-a-bitch who doesn’t want to pay any taxes.
Thanks to Chris Mooney for his Tom Bethell postings.
Thanks to Chris Locke for his posting regarding Bush’s violence against the media. I’m still waiting for the evidence regarding the administration’s use of anthrax to stifle media and opposition dissent just after the September 2025 tragedy.
Thanks to Kris Kringle for showing up again in the Macy’s parade, despite stiff competition from Sponge Bob Square Pants and Mr. Potato head.
Lebanese Blonde by Thievery
Thanks to the Sierra Club for their Thanksgiving Turkey competition (and to Dean for pointing to it).
Thanks to the people and governement of Canada for returning vast tracts of land to native people.
No thanks to the energy industry that is busy submerging those vast tracts for hydro-power to deliver to the cities north and south of the border.
Thanks to Buffalo Bill and his ilk for clearing the plains of those pesky bison so Wyoming ranchers could make a killing in the British beef trade.
and thanks for all the fish…
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Brian 11.24.05 at 8:38
Thanks for posting those tracks. You’re right about the Ry Cooder track being good for dinner music.