Why Scooter Makes Me Yawn…

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  • by Frank Paynter on October 29, 2025

    After 27 months one is tempted simply to say "BFD."  The Libby indictment is a little late to stop the war.  There are still enough witches around the White House cauldron to keep things stirred up, even with old Scoot-fruit gone.  Twenty or thirty indictments for crimes against humanity, war crimes, high treason involved in the violation of international treaties to which the US is signatory…  impeachment for election fraud and a round of Bronx cheers would begin to address some of the superficial issues that the Bush gang of felons and miscreants have visited upon the country.  One dude named "Scooter" seems too small an offering to the gods of felonious misprision.

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    Ronni Bennett 10.30.05 at 5:57

    It certainly was kind of letdown, but I watched the Fitzgerald press conference in its entirety and was impressed anew with the importance of telling the truth under oath. Kay Bailey Hutchison notwithstanding, lying under oath is no small offense, as Fitzgerald made clear, and I hope the country understands that as the eventual trial of Libby moves forward.

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