A thousand words for ironie

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  • by Frank Paynter on October 24, 2025

    You know the old myth about the esquimaux thousand words for snow?   I was thinking that English needs a thousand words for irony.  Every ironic circumstance is so nuanced, so different from all others that every whiff of irony is like a snowflake, unique.

    Is it ironic that "Halley’s Comment" doesn’t take comments?  Is it ironic that "misbehaving" ain’t?

    Is it ironic when some aging white women struggle manfully to match the career arcs of the aging white men they scorn?  Is it ironic when they fail?

    A person could go on in this vein, or a person could point to you some grand writing

    Is it ironic that the sleazebags exercising editorial control at "misbehaving" tore down my comment on the ridiculous "if you were timmie o’" post, the comment that cited the four or five women I would invite to a conference because I steal from them most often…  Shelley Powers, Jeneane Sessum, Madame Levy, Anne Galloway… and did they do this because…  well, why did they do this I wonder? …and wouldn’t it be ironic if it was for any good reason at all?  And is it shameful or ironic or non-sequitur that they left up the sycophantic bullshit while tearing down a comment made in good faith that highlighted four of the talented writers and technoids on the web, and if you don’t think 21st century musicians cut your average tech school teacherette in the tech realm, well you haven’t been listening and sure as heck you haven’t been watching.  "I’d nominate you Liz…. ooo Liz… ooo-oooo-oooo Liz…"  And why does the tech school teacherette get me so riled up?  Something ironic about that.

    Sometimes phat is just fat.  Ironic, ain’t it?

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