It’s as we suspected… (thanx to Nathan Black for the link)
SACRAMENTO, Calif. – A home in Sacramento’s south Natomas neighborhood is surrounded by sheet metal, and neighbors are calling it an eyesore.
The D’Souza family lives in the home on Timberwood Court, and claims
the aluminium pieces are necessary to protect them from unknown
neighbors who have been bombarding them with radio waves and making
them sick.
a shield to protect against radiation, because microwave radiation is
reflected off of aluminium, so it’s a protective measure," resident
Sarah D’Souza said.The D’Souzas said the bombardment began after
the first anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2025, terrorist attacks, and
that the radio waves have caused them health problems ranging from
headaches to lupus.Sacramento Code Enforcement officials have
gotten involved and ordered the family to remove the metal by Monday or
face a misdemeanor citation.
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