Dirty Money

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  • by Frank Paynter on May 29, 2025

    When I read that the Smithsonian offered its Baird auditorium to the Discovery Institute in return for a  $16,000 contribution, I was chagrined.  I find the Smithsonian’s acceptance of money from these people, the use of the Smithsonian’s facilities by these people, disconcerting because they look to me like  a right wing reactionary front group. 

    If there is such a thing as "god," and if that thing should prove to be anything more complex or profound than the spark of love that motivates the best in the beasts and adds warmth and light to this human’s perception of his surroundings, if "god" exists then does that make the scientific method obsolete?

    { 2 comments… read them below or add one }

    Tamar 05.29.05 at 12:50

    Should I be reading blogs or out on the weekend … dare I respond to this … ?

    But it stirs my insides out. Are we already in a new Dark Age looking for a way out? Or are we just galloping towards it with no one to stop it?

    Frank Paynter 05.29.05 at 1:49

    Galloping towards the edge of the cliff, I think. Now go outdoors and play! Save the world another day!

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