18th May 2005

The Number of the Yeast

posted in Math and Science |

Like so many things mathematical, the very number of the beast seems open to recalculation.  This will have profound consequences, including - as the Right Reverend Adam points out - an immediate impact on heavy metal bands. 

Among other universal constants called into doubt is the number 137.0359…. or "α."

Calling the calculation of constants into doubt isn’t new.  The Planck Constant, long considered an absolute (like Newton’s gravitational constant or the speed of light) was visited by revisionists quite recently.  For example,

The current issue of Scientific American has an article by Barrow and Webb ("Inconstant Constants") that describes an earlier time when the fine structure constant was different from today, a time when matter behaved differently, when the universal laws governing our very existence had not yet been written. 

Somehow this news about alpha is particularly disturbing when coupled with Reverend Adam’s news about the number of the beast, heretofore thought to be a constant.  If we set the number of the beast equal to omega (and why shouldn’t we?), then it follows that the absolute condition that the christian’s guru Jesus is said to describe in the Book of Revelation ("I am the alpha and the omega") is subject to changing conditions.  As our universe moves from the radiation dominated era of the big bang through our own matter dominated era, out into the end times of what many claim will be an era of dark energy there is no longer any comfort to be found in mathematics or in physics.

1/137.03599976 is turning out to be just another number, much like 42.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, May 18th, 2025 at 7:25 and is filed under Math and Science. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 5 responses to “The Number of the Yeast”

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  1. 1 On May 18th, 2025, Stu Savory said:

    AFAIK the number 666 comes from the roman numeral DCLXVI, a guarded code abbreviation for
    “Domitianus Caesar Legatos Xti Violenter Interfecit”, or “The Emperor Domitian violently killed the envoys of Christ”.
    The variant 616 represents the alternative Hebrew spelling נרו קסר, Nrw Qsr (based on the Latin form “Nero Caesar”).

    Stu (23) Savory
    PS: I refer you also to my Walpurgisnacht blog-entry, dated May 1st.

  2. 2 On May 18th, 2025, fp said:

    Looks like you’ve been into the spoiled rye bread again Stu.

  3. 3 On May 20th, 2025, Dean Landsman said:

    Yeast is yeast and never the twain . . .

    You can pump ‘er nickel, but that wry sense of humor, well, it lacks a certain rise. Does that render it matzoh?

    And is that mannah from heaven?

    If I keep going, this comment could number 666 words. But since bread is the metaphor, I will accept something closer to a square pi(e). Ar, ar, ar.

  4. 4 On May 20th, 2025, Dean Landsman said:

    Oops, I cubed the pi, instead of squaring it. Now I will servce my penance, and take a powder. A baking powder!!

  5. 5 On May 20th, 2025, Dean Landsman said:

    If planck gets really heavy, as in much mass and volume, does it become Planckton?

    You may cease groaning now.

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