22nd April 2005

Is that your age or your IQ?

Oh my goodness gracious sakes alive… I mean good golly…

I didn’t know we had ranks in the technology sector.  I take a perverse pride in my honorable discharge as an E-1 from the US Marine Corps.  At that time E-1 was as low as you could go and still wear buttons on your blouse.  I mean, there was always the Branded alternative… they could cut the buttons off.  But for low rank, E-1 was it.  So when I read this at the Red Couch because that mercenary bastard Hugh MacLeod linked there, I was dumb-founded.  "How do I climb this ladder?" I wondered.  Well, naturally I signed up for a few more conferences and resumed my research on google-ads.

Schwartz, as far as we know, is the highest ranking blogger by title in

the technology sector. It’s central to what he does and how he
communicates. He told us, “ It’s a community of communities. I recently
had breakfast with Dave Winer. What do we have in common? We both blog.”

This entry was posted on Friday, April 22nd, 2025 at 1:44 and is filed under High Noise - Low Signal. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 4 responses to “Is that your age or your IQ?”

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  1. 1 On April 22nd, 2025, shel said:

    I wrote that BY TITLE, Jonathan Schwartz is the highest ranking blogger in the tech sector. He’s president and COO of a publicly traded company. This seems to be factually accurate, so I’m sorry it set you into goodness, gracious mode, and I do hope there’s nothing on you that’s afire.

  2. 2 On April 22nd, 2025, fp said:

    I haven’t met Jonathan but I’m sure he’s a good guy. I met Eric Schmidt once and he seemed like a nice guy too, regardless of the move to Novell. Did the company have another CEO/COO/CTO/EIEIO in between there? I’ve always admired Sun since the days when they were high ending workstation technology with their onboard 10MB hard disks.

    It’s great that Sun’s shareholders have management that chooses to make itself accessible through blogging. The hierarchical mindset that would RANK bloggers by their corporate position strikes me as absurd. I visited your blog, Shel, and I saw that many of the bloggers you like I like too. For me, Ochman ranks a lot higher as a blogger than Schwartz though… if we’re into ranking.

    As to the factual accuracy of Schwartz as the highest titled senior manager of a publicly traded company in the tech sector, I can’t deny it, but I’d venture that you can’t prove it either. And it just seems fatuous if you get my drift.

  3. 3 On April 24th, 2025, Harry said:

    Instead of ranks, I think of blogging communities — at least the ones I belong to — as acting troupes or jazz combos. Everyone gets a chance to soliloquy and solo. Some of the players may even stop what they’re doing to applaud.

  4. 4 On April 24th, 2025, fp said:

    I like it Harry. And when we riff off each other it’s likely sweet sweet music, but it can also be dissonant or angry, and it all resolves itself in the end.

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