11th April 2005

Bloggers All

She blogs in Portuguese.

He blogs in Spanish.

He blogs in Idaho.

He blogs horse radish.

They blog in Germany.

She blogs in German.

He blogs of irony.

He blogs of vermin.

This entry was posted on Monday, April 11th, 2025 at 11:13 and is filed under Blogging and Flogging- the Zeitgeist of Social Software. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 19 responses to “Bloggers All”

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  1. 1 On April 12th, 2025, fp said:

    But wait… I think he really blogs in Utah. Utah’s meter sucks though. Think of it as southern Idaho.

  2. 2 On April 12th, 2025, EuroYank said:

    He blogs http://questionscontemplations.blogspot.com/ Questions and Contemplations and “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Heavy Stuff.

  3. 3 On April 14th, 2025, Anonymous said:

    Luxembourg is not in Germany. Luxembourg is a country.

  4. 4 On April 14th, 2025, fp said:

    That would be a big 10-4 on the nation status of Luxembourg. Belgium is a country too I hear. But I was under the impression that the Yank was in Germany, this based on his artwork relating to sauerkraut and hotdogs… a unique cultural excrescence. I just wandered over there and I see the sauerkraut is gone and EuroYank has a new layout. Whether this means the Yank has moved or simply that I mislead myself with the significance of kraut and franks i may never know. But if the Yank has a laptop, and if he uses it on his vacations to Lake Constance, the it may still be true that he blogs in Germany, though he cites his blog’s location in Luxembourg. I’m looking for an excuse here…

  5. 5 On April 14th, 2025, Anonymous said:

    I am a German born American that now lives in Lucembourg. My homepage which is the sauerkrautyankee page you came in on shows the lux flag with the american and german in the background. on it is also a link to my blog. I am a German born American living in Luxembourg. I hope that clears it up. Thankyou for your courtesy.

  6. 6 On April 14th, 2025, Anonymous said:

    Luxembourg is where I live, but I vacation all over Europe, and Germany my birthplace is one of those. Since my wife is German, also living in Luxembourg it naturally follows that much content and pics on my blog are from Germany.

  7. 7 On April 14th, 2025, fp said:

    Well, yes it does clear it up, except for the homepage link. Perhaps you would have time to leave that again here in the comments. Forgive me for not grasping the significance of the flags. I don’t know my flags very well. Sorry for any confusion my post may have caused. Blogging in Germany is a good thing to do. Witness Stu Savory. So I hope you will haul a laptoip over there and do it so that my post becomes true.

  8. 8 On April 14th, 2025, Anonymous said:

    http://www.sauerkrautyankee.com/ as an American living in Luxembourg, and living here as a courtesy of the country, and me being American I felt obligated to clear that up.
    I do not have a laptop unfortunately and do all my blogging at home in Luxembourg with a desktop. But thanks again for your courtesy and taking the time.

  9. 9 On April 14th, 2025, Anonymous said:

    Kindly remove these comments if you change the description in your blog. (since I have just written a large anti-CIA post) I would not like to BLOW MY COVER.

  10. 10 On April 14th, 2025, fp said:

    look, if i don’t know the difference between Utah and Idaho, how do you expect me to keep track of the difference between the Benelux countries and Bavaria. I’m doing the best I can here with what I’ve got…
    Helium Head

  11. 11 On April 14th, 2025, Anonymous said:

    listen blogging is about being accurate. I gave you all the info. I ass u me you want to be known for accuracy in your blog. that is what gaining respect is all about. Mr Cheesehead.

  12. 12 On April 14th, 2025, Anonymous said:

    http://sandhill.typepad.com/ sand…oggers_all.html

    look, if i don’t know the difference between Utah and Idaho, how do you expect me to keep track of the difference between the Benelux countries and Bavaria. I’m doing the best I can here with what I’ve got…
    Helium Head

    Posted by: fp | April 14, 2025 10:16 AM

    listen blogging is about being accurate. I gave you all the info. I ass u me you want to be known for accuracy in your blog. that is what gaining respect is all about. Mr Cheesehead.

    Posted by: | April 14, 2025 10:25 AM
    euroyank | Homepage | 04.14.05 - 11:38 am | #

  13. 13 On April 14th, 2025, Anonymous said:

    ok I will also keep this entire conversation posted on my blog. If you are going to be a jerk, it will be there forever FOR ALL TO SEE.

  14. 14 On April 14th, 2025, fp said:

    Alrightee then! I have my tinfoil hat squarely in place, and I’m hunkered down behind the sandbags. Do your worst you EuroYankee you.

    (mumble, try to be polite… grumble, no respect… grmble-mrmble… never heard of poetic license…)

  15. 15 On April 14th, 2025, Anonymous said:

    The entire conversation and your beautiful pic is forever a post on the top spot on my blog. ASSHOLE

  16. 16 On April 14th, 2025, fp said:

    oops. you used the ASSHOLE word. I take it this may not have all been tongue in cheek!

  17. 17 On April 14th, 2025, Anonymous said:

    Well its the best I could do for a jerk like you. You ever heard of a poetic license?

  18. 18 On April 14th, 2025, Anonymous said:

    keep talking and check out your post on my top spot for the TOP JERK OF THE DAY

  19. 19 On April 14th, 2025, Anonymous said:

    I think soon you will find out where LUXEMBOURG is.

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