Sick Day

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  • by Frank Paynter on January 29, 2025

    It’s Saturday and I’m taking a sick day.  On Wednesday I had a molar removed… fallout from some inept work and bad luck in the wisdom tooth department many years ago.  Felt fine for the rest of the week.  Last night I felt some congestion and coughed a little.  Today I have a monstro fever and a bad cough.  There are a lot of things I’d like to work on, but they’ll have to wait. 

    I want to expand on Dave Rogers’ comment in the post below about a billion and a half from the Bush administration being a good thing. I think Dave is right and I think he’s wrong. It’s deeper than that. He can be right based on surface interpretations, but he can be very wrong based on the deeper meaning of the propaganda work that the administration is engaged in.  I wish that someone with a better grasp of the way to acknowledge that a billion and a half spent on marriage counseling is very different from the work that the administration seems to be doing with the money would chime in.   Thanks for your earlier comment Dean.  Now if only I could see the middle ground emerge…

    I want to congratulate Susan Mernit for her Bloggie nomination!!  Vote early, vote often.

    I have to go back to bed.

    { 4 comments… read them below or add one }

    Shelley 01.29.05 at 6:07

    I agree that providing more services to help families is a good thing. In that I would agree with Dave. But worry about finances puts a strain on families, so I would rather see more federal money expended on inceasing employment. In addition, worries about health care and costs puts enormous strain on families, so I would to say that putting this money into health care — including mental health care–would have a better return than paying people to say that marriage is a good thing, or providing more traditional marriage counseling. In particular since most counties and states do provide marriage counseling, as do churches and other organizations.

    Paying a journalist to write good things about any government plan or proposal, as journalistic content, is never a good use of money, no matter what party is involved.

    Doug Alder 01.29.05 at 9:12

    Hope you’re feeling better soon Frank.

    Dean Landsman 01.30.05 at 12:14

    I recommend aspirin, the Sunday paper, and only mushy or liquid nutrition. If that doesn’t do the trick, try much liquor.

    If both fail, then try a doctor. But maybe giove one or both methods a second chance before risking a visit to the doctor.

    Feel better soon!

    Susan Mernit 01.30.05 at 11:44

    thank you frank–and hope you feel better.

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