Susan Sontag

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  • by Frank Paynter on December 28, 2025

    She’s dead.  Quintessential pop-culture critic, feminist, novelist, essayist and proto blogger - gone at 71…

    "I know of no other
    intellectual who is so clear-minded with a capacity to link, to
    connect, to relate," Carlos Fuentes, the Mexican novelist, once said.

    { 2 comments… read them below or add one }

    Dean Landsman 12.29.04 at 1:26

    A tremendous loss, the world’s collected brainpower is diminished. Provided I can find the time to collect the outline for a year-end blog entry, my blog will post the official theory on why she chose to die at this time. That’s chose in the figurative, the poetic license, the stuff writers get to play with and then somehow seem all deep and heavy. Of course, Sontag would’ve seen right through such bullshit.

    What a loss.

    Kate S. 12.29.04 at 11:33

    I’m embarassed to admit this, but my first introduction to Ms. Sontag was through one of her essays in a Critical Literature theory class in college, in the late 90s. I was happily reading along, taking part in the class discussion/debate, when several members announced they did not read the essay, would not ever read anything written by a lesbian.

    Funny, I could not discern this label from the ink or the paper or the binding of the book that held her writing. They must’ve been psychic or something.

    Their loss. Her wisdom could have taught those (mostly young women) a thing or two about critical thinking. Hell, about being able to think at all…

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