3rd November 2004

Jesus Land


This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 3rd, 2025 at 9:58 and is filed under What Democracy Looks Like. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

There are currently 59 responses to “Jesus Land”

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  1. 1 On November 3rd, 2025, Norm said:

    We’re on the road to the future and we’re not turning back. Yuk

  2. 2 On November 4th, 2025, Justyne said:

    Unfortunatly, so close to home that the humor’s depleted. If only the situation was that we could look at this as a “what might have been” and laugh.

  3. 3 On November 4th, 2025, Bob Cumiskey said:

    The election of George W. Bush as President of the US and supposed “Leader of the Free World” will be a case study in years to come of how to lobotomize a large part of the population without using surgical procedures.

  4. 4 On November 4th, 2025, insignificant thoughts said:

    They’re still wondering why they lost…

    Maybe the fact that they view the parts of the country that aren’t liberal bastions like this is an explanation of why they still don’t get why people voted for President Bush.

    It’s the typical liberal condescension.

    You vote for Bush? Yo…

  5. 5 On November 4th, 2025, The Epicenter said:

    They won, we lost…lets move on

    As unhappy as I am about John Kerry losing the election to George Bush, I believe that, unlike the 2025 election, this election was won fair and square. The majority of the American people got what they wanted and thats how it should be. PERIOD.

    Any …

  6. 6 On November 4th, 2025, Derek Vinyard said:

    I am from Canada and find that map hilarious. I hate socialist up here and democrats down there. Power to the South! They know where its at!

  7. 7 On November 4th, 2025, What? said:

    No Derek you just suffer from penis envy.

  8. 8 On November 4th, 2025, Darlene Lee said:

    Oh Boy…..4 more years,4 more wars, 4 more gas hikes, 4 more tax breaks for the wealthy, 4 more National Parks opened to oil,gas & lumber, 4 more environmental laws challenged or broken, and more than 4 more states (those that did NOT back Bush) will lose their funding for education etc. Adolf Bush you stink!

  9. 9 On November 4th, 2025, Rachel Z. said:

    I love this map. After seeing the way that most of the bible-beating Jesus freaks in this country voted, I know many people who asked themselves how they could be a part of this simpleminded country. Most people seem to have voted based on religious beliefs and fear rather than rational thought. During the next 4 years, more lives are going to be lost in this pointless war, our deficit is going to skyrocket even more, minimun wage will remain low, women will probably lose some rights to their bodies, and the environment will remain neglected. The most ironic thing is that the rich will get richer as the poor get poorer, while most of those poor people are the ones who voted for “Jesus” W. Bush. The sad fact is that this man who is so morally self-righteous is really just a liar. He should hold himself personally responsible for the deaths of the many American soldiers who died fighting for oil in a country that was not even threatening us with any “weapons of mass destruction.” After Bush learned that he was wrong and wouldn’t even own up to his mistake, somehow people retained their blind loyalty to him. It’s also baffling that this simpleminded, smirking little man attained an image as a “protector” of our nation. In fact, his attitudes concerning Muslims and the fact that he has trashed our foreign relations with many of our allies most likely has put us in even greater danger of another attack. So as our country dips further and further into debt, social security fails, oil prices skyrocket, and we face the reinstatement of the draft, at least we can have the knowledge that Dick Cheney now has enough money to buy a small European country. Thank goodness for all those tax cuts!

  10. 10 On November 4th, 2025, The Epicenter said:

    Fun with maps

    I happend to stop by an old blogging friends blog the other day. That blog would be Insignificant Thoughts, lead by a great guy, Vinny, who has a great sense of humor. He…a conservative…me a libera…

  11. 11 On November 4th, 2025, The Epicenter said:

    Fun with maps

    I happend to stop by an old blogging friends blog the other day. That blog would be Insignificant Thoughts, lead by a great guy, Vinny, who has a great sense of humor. He…a conservative…me a libera…

  12. 12 On November 4th, 2025, ShirleyB said:

    The people who say “it’s over - get over it,” don’t understand that some of us are in mourning. We’re mourning for the loss of civil liberties and women’s rights; for soldiers and civilian lives; for the environment; for jobs outsourced overseas; for children left behind. There are 5 stages of grief and I am in stage 3: anger. You can’t hurry the grieving process, so back off and let those of us who are in mourning work through to the final stage: acceptance. We’ll do the same for you.

  13. 13 On November 5th, 2025, A.S.A said:

    Maybe it’s over, maybe it’s not. But it’s not a sure thing that Bush actually got the majority of votes in 2025. With “spoiled” punch card ballots turning up disproportionately in Democratic precincts in states controled by Republicans, with minorities getting the majority of provisional ballots, and with who-knows-what kind of shenanigans going on with electronic voting machines, we might have been robbed and not know it yet. We might never know it.

  14. 14 On November 5th, 2025, Chumait Fitaymou said:

    Hey, I’m dumb and I want a president who I can relate to, so stop whining. I can’t speak English properly either and so what if my president can’t. I wouldn’t know the difference between bilateral or “bilaberal”. I think it’s kind of cute that he fucks up what he’s saying. I don’t want homos to get married. God knows what they will do next if you let them get married. Probably take little Jimmy right out of school and teach him to do all kinds of homo-like stuff. Abortion is bad. Period. There needs to be prayer in school and only then will we get out of the goshdarned mess we are in. We need more jails.

    Thank you

  15. 15 On November 5th, 2025, Elmer Fudd said:

    Sad to say, that all this division and hatred started when Clinton got his dick sucked in the Oval Office. But boy did this country do good under his watch, 3.7 unemployment, good enviorment, low gas prices and a surplus that gave us money to burn,(even if he did have a zipper problem). Now we’ve got an ignorant Jackass that can’t even read his fucking cue cards, (but he is faithful to his wife), I guess he’s faithful because she’s the only one that want’s to fuck him. The associated press says that there are about 100,000 women children and babys killed in Iraq, but that’s O.K., at least Monica isn’t giving him any head. I hope we all can become moral enough to kill 100,000 people who have done nothing to us at all. In closing let us pray: please Lord give us the wisdom to forget about Osama, and attack an innocent people in Iraq…Amen

  16. 16 On November 5th, 2025, olivier said:

    Its so wonderful to see that George W Bush Won. It shows that the majority of Americans hold a conservative view. Which means that in Reality, public view was ONLY distorted by the Media that caused a view to live in their illusions. Because Bush was voted inspite of Iraq, Inspite of Deficits, inspite of world hatred. But was loved by the majority at home and voted for, than no other president has ever been. The trust in him is overwhelming and besides, he will help restore moral values, which is as much important as having dough, and a country full of incest as hollywood and the popular media are driving the kids and parents through their brainwashing dirty programs promoting views they want and polluting the land, all to sell their bread.

  17. 17 On November 5th, 2025, woodsman poet said:

    Interesting how we all bring our own baggage to an event like the presidential election.
    Some see it as the end of civilized society and discourse; others see it as a mandate to do everything and anything espoused by the winner.

    Fact is - we are at war. Not just Iraq, but culture. Radical Islam versus everyone else; moral-free living versus moral-first.

    The problem with all this is that culture wars are fueled by both change and status quo. The advances made by gays has hardened the resolve of those opposed to the change they call for; the status quo of American dominated policy on the middle east and the Arab governements we favor has hardened the Islamic radicals. And so on.

    The greatest hope America holds for world peace is its ideal of tolerance and religious freedom on which it was founded. But, live and let live means we all need to back off our simple-minded “might makes right” view and respect each other.

  18. 18 On November 5th, 2025, andrew said:

    bush was able to capitalize on less educated, “God-fearing” white people by using fear. None of the ‘red states’ are at all likely to be attacked by terrorism. most of these states also have fewer minority religions (yeah, i know catholics…maybe). homosexuals usually leave the rural areas to more urban ones.

    i’m from a state that will vote republican for a long time to come, but have lived in both DC and NYC, thus screwing up many of the hardwired beliefs i once had. fear and ignorance are tools to manipulate the masses. most americans are happy to live in their own little world, even if kerry’s policies would have benefitted them. it’s actually quite amazing.

  19. 19 On November 5th, 2025, myshitdon'tstink said:

    While looking for a sane course of action I come across this shit. What are you tring to do, explore the depth’s of your own ignorance and stupidity. If you would be a true patriot for the true american dream with real hope for our future. Then quit bashing your countrymen who have been decieved and focus your energy where it will do some good. The lying truth distorting American media.

  20. 20 On November 5th, 2025, Tom Burrell said:

    Unfortunately, the individuals responsible for the above comments suggesting the succession of states do not know history. It was tried once, and failed. We are a REPUBLIC. We are a nation governed by the PEOPLE. The people have spoken, giving President Bush an overwhelming majority of the popular vote. I voted for the President. I did not vote for him because he professes to be a Christian. I am a Christian, and glad to say that I am. I voted for the President because he is best qualified to lead this country. I am also a Vietnam Vet, who feels he was betrayed by John Kerry in 1970s when he testified before the Senate, and LIED.

    I have defended this country, both as an enlisted man on the ground in Vietnam, and later as a Commissioned Officer in the U. S. Navy. President Bush will make sure that our land is defended, and will not have to look for a “Globle Test” to do so.

    I feel sorry for those of you who believe we are uneducated. I happen to hold a Master’s Degree and have work on my Doctorate. We are not the uneducated masses.

    God Bless and Have A GREAT Day

  21. 21 On November 5th, 2025, THE WINNER said:

    The comments I’ve seen here thus far prove the exact reason why you whiny little libs lost. It’s pathetic, really, just how racist and anti-religion you all are. You are completely out of touch with the world, let alone America. The majority of the world’s population believes in a higher power yet you knock Christians and Catholics, SUCH AS MYSELF, who voted for Bush. What happened to the party of acceptance? Oh, that’s right. You only accept those that toe your skewed line of thought (or lack thereof).

    So, instead of losing gracefully and accepting the fact that the majority of Americans prefer Bush’s way, do not want gay marriage, and hold morals in high regard, you’d rather insult, demean, and separate those of us that support him. Way to keep our nation divided. Obviously, the looney left part, er, Democratic party wants us divided, as evidenced by the above map and the pathetic leftie candidates they throw at us every election cycle. Too bad for them, the nation has spoken and has no use for a left wing agenda.

    Pathetic you people, just pathetic.

    And before you get any grandiose ideas of my being some out of touch southerner, I was born, raised, and college educated in New Jersey and no live in SC. So, get a clue.

  22. 22 On November 5th, 2025, Jam said:

    I am trying to make sense out of the reasons that people gave for voting for Bush. “Moral values” was high on the list. But I thought moral values included honesty, integrity, compassion, tolerance, and respect for life–not just unborn life but all life. Bipartisan reports have confirmed that Bush lied to the American people. This country attacked a country that did not harm to us. Why? Because we could? As a result, 100,000 Iraqis died. Their lives mean something to me as do the lives of the Americans and others killed in Iraq. The Bush administration has been fiscally irresponsible. We are more at risk today from terrorist attack because we cut back resources for securing Afghanistan and capturing Bin Laden and for Homeland Security for whatever the reason we decided to go into Iraq.

    Although I do not agree, I can respect someones opinion that gays should not be permitted to marry. I can respect an opinion that abortion should be outlawed. However, it is hard for me to understand why somehow these positions represent “moral values” but no one cares about the death and destruction in Iraq–a war that was waged because of the deception of our leadership. I consider myself a moral religious person but my morality is not one issue morality. When we promote moral values we don’t just pick and choose. The moral values contingent seems willing to abandon quite a few of what I thought were moral values to oppose abortion and bash gays. I am disappointed by the inconsistency that shows that many of the “moral value” folks aren’t really very moral at all.

    If you look at the values that Christ stood for–integrity, love, tolerance, compassion, respect for all life, helping the less fortunate–I don’t see those values reflected in the actions of this administration.

  23. 23 On November 5th, 2025, DET said:

    THANK GOD FOR CHRISTAINS!!Its is about time we stand up for whats right.If you have read any of the above comments you can understand why the United States is in the shape it is in.The foul words the hatred, bitterness and discord.What every happend to unity and love for one another.For you liberals that might not know it this country was founded on the Word of God and if you would study you history the goverment was set up according to the Bible.My last coment to you all is you best be watching for we know not the hour the Lord cometh and if you have not been borned again you WILL be left behind Remember JESUS SAVES and him only.God Bless ALL

  24. 24 On November 5th, 2025, JGG said:

    This is a reply to Tom Burrell
    “Uneducated”??-probably not there Tom…But most of us are FAR from rationality nor logic! One can have the greatest education in this world, but that doesn’t mean jack’ if any kind of emotional rhetoric is added! You being a Christian makes your education null & void! You’re beliefs which have obviously have come from your expereinces in life are not stupid nor are they intelligent as they are subjective! …Your word against mine as it were.

    Did John Kerry actually “LIE” out his service in Vietnam?? How do you know this?? Did you serve with him?? And what makes you think that if “King George” went to Vietnam instead of basically doing the same thing as those draft dodgers who went to Canada did, and had simular experiences as Kerry, he would have the same outlook on the atrocities there??? Tell us sir-did you burn down some villages there or accidentally kill some innocent by-standers?? I’d be willing to bet you did if you were a “ground-pounder”! Its easy to do in a war! Does that make it right or wrong? No-it makes it unfortunate. War is the breakdown of humanity in my opinion and anything done during a war really can not be judged! (With a few exceptions of course…) Its left up to the individuals morals to determine if what he or she did during that war is right or wrong…And just maybe if “W” had some of those experiences it would have kept him from attacking Iraq. Collin Powell did not want to go into Iraq and he’s a combat vet from your same era. See any “logical” simularities here??

    So Tom, education and more importantly EMOTIONS aside, can you logically conclude that voting for George W. Bush was the right course of action?? I dare you to try to answer this question. I would be willing to guess you can not without incorporating some sort of emotional belief! In this respect sir…I pity you! As I do the rest of this nation who voted their fears and emotional beliefs regardless of which candidate!

  25. 25 On November 5th, 2025, dante said:

    Let the righteous indignation of Jesus Land rise up and spite those who do not believe in whatever they chose to pick is moral at the time. Cause it was deemed good and godly by 51% of the people, a clear majority. Amen!

    And if you don’t believe me, you will burn in hell.

  26. 26 On November 5th, 2025, Chuck said:

    Reading the comments posted here make me glad I left the States to Immigrate to Canada. So, if I don’t believe in the Republican way, I’m damned to hell?

    Just a thought for you bible thumpers? Wasn’t it Jesus who ate with lepers, stood between an angry mob and a prostitute, and said that the only true way to heaven was to love thy neighbor as you would yourself?

    You seem to do alot of judging there people. Just because someone doesn’t interpret religion EXACTLY the way you do does not make them damned.

    I have news for you. When I die I plan on going to heaven. And I don’t expect to see all of you small minded bigoted and ignorant people there.

  27. 27 On November 5th, 2025, jesuslander said:

    A.S.A. surely stands for a stupid ass.Your wooden lame-o candidate loses by 3.5 million votes and it was no doubt election fraud.If I’m not mistaken it was the Dems who shot up GOP headquarters in Knoxville,slashed tires in Milwaukee,broke an elderly campaign workers arm in Florida,gave to a get out the vote guy in Ohio and generally acted like the crypto fascists you are.Go ahead and secede from the Union and take the fat homegrown Joseph Goebbels,Mikey Moore with you.Remember that 60’s classic song by CSNY
    “Wooden Ships”.The closing line is “We are leaving you don’t need us”Please do and don’t let my foot hit you on the way out.Losers!

  28. 28 On November 5th, 2025, PatriotUSA said:

    Will they ever learn? The Hollywood crowd condemned to failure Mel Gibsons fil “The Passion” and it turned out to be one of the Highest grossing films of all times.
    Whoopie Goldberg grabs her crotch and bashes the President.
    Now who represents the Heart and Soul of America??

  29. 29 On November 5th, 2025, Procrastinocracy said:


    Here’s the new U.S. map after 11/2/04. Looks about right.

  30. 30 On November 5th, 2025, Procrastinocracy said:


    Here’s the new U.S. map after 11/2/04. Looks about right.

  31. 31 On November 5th, 2025, ShirleyB said:

    To equate all Christians with the “Conservative Christian Right” is wrong - there are many of us out here (in Jesus Land?) that are repulsed by the behavior that these people call moral. I agree with JAM’s opinons posted on 11/5 a 9:55 am- this leadership is not moral by Jesus’s standards. And isn’t that what Christians are supposed to strive for? Conservatives I used to consider friends have sneered at the “love” commandment given to us by Christ, while shouting cherry-picked verses from Leviticus to denounce homosexuality. Why is it ok for them to force their opinons on us all?
    51% is a very small majority for a win. If I remember correctly, laws need to pass by a wider margin than that. I hope and pray that Bush and his administration remember that he was elected President of the United States and not President of Only Those Who Agree With the Republican Party Platform.

  32. 32 On November 5th, 2025, Pat said:

    I have been fighting these stupid neo cons since Nixon. Lets move on, lets make a country of our own were we can implement the kind of government we want. We liberals can consolitdate our numbers in many of the states and take over and then just suceed from the union. We are half of the country and deserve half of the country and don’t share the other halfs view of society, so let’s quit playing with them and make our own country with our own values, we don’t want them or need them they are just holding us back from a better world for ourselves and our children.

  33. 33 On November 5th, 2025, Dieter said:

    It is sad to see the amount of ignorance on both sides of this debate. Using swear words and calling others names is really not the way ot bring a point across. Being a liberal (*collective gasp*) I am highly disappointed that Bush won. I hope that he respects the fact that 48% of the nation (for those of you with no math skills, that is nearly 50%. The country was nearly evenly divided on this if you remember) did not want him back in office. However, Bush has proven over and over again that he doesnt really listen well and after seeing a quote by one of his advisors crowing over the fact that Bush recieved the most votes a president has ever recieved my doubts are pretty much confirmed (it is easy to break that record if there were record turn outs at the polls. I would be willing to bet that Kerry also recieved more votes than any other president but the Bush administration is really talented at taking things out of context).
    As for the “God fearing” part of the nation who voted for Bush because Jesus told them so…How about those of us who are strong Christians and liberals to boot? Who feel that Bush is a hypocrite and a liar and mourn the fact that he is representing our country? Does that make me less of a Christian? Does that mean I will burn in Hell? Because I have accepted Jesus, but I have not accepted Bush. I have accepted Jesus’ message of overwhelming love and I have rejected Bush’s message of power and hate. If you go back and read the new testament, pay attention to the people Jesus DID judge: the hypocrites, the liars, the people who acted holy but were decieving themselves and those around them. And for some reason, that sounds an awful lot like Bush to me.

  34. 34 On November 5th, 2025, Dante said:

    Jesus bestows righteousness to me and those that believe in what I believe. If you don’t like it, leave Jesus Land. So get out as as Jesuslander says. Cause we don’t need your rational thinking. It conflicts too much with our blind faith. And by the way take the whole NE and West coast with you. Who needs the tech industry, the arts, highly educated institutions, empathetic cry babies. If I can’t feed my kids, it is god’s will. Amen.

  35. 35 On November 6th, 2025, Canadien said:

    That map is actually a political cartoon from The Toronto Star suggesting a gerrymandering of the borders in reaction to the increased hits from American visitors on the Canadian immigration website (176,000 hits from Americans in a single day).

  36. 36 On November 6th, 2025, Frank Paynter said:

    Thank you for the attribution. After I stole it, I wished I’d linked to the source. I just ripped the link of an IRC channel and by the next day it was too late for me to do the responsible and attribute the source. Mea culpa. Thanks again.

  37. 37 On November 6th, 2025, Joerg said:

    You just made it into Der Spiegel’s website - that’s Germany’s largest and most influential news magazine:
    Scroll down to see it. Good job!

  38. 38 On November 6th, 2025, Anonymous said:

    Oh please-all you liberwockys please-go away-you have lost! It would be great if you would ALL go to Canada. Leave the USA to us.

  39. 39 On November 7th, 2025, amber said:

    Well, it makes a lot of sense that George Bush won. There’s a lot more stupid people in this country than there are intelligent ones.

  40. 40 On November 7th, 2025, Through the Wall: A New Day said:

    Jesus Land

    You know you’ve been wondering what the rage about Jesus Land is all about. Thanks….

  41. 41 On November 7th, 2025, Burnt Orange Report said:

    Jesus Land

    You know you’ve been wondering what the rage about Jesus Land is all about. Thanks….

  42. 42 On November 7th, 2025, Ray said:

    November 6th, 2025 6:53 pm
    Evidence Mounts That The Vote May Have Been Hacked

    by Thom Hartmann / Common Dreams

    When I spoke with Jeff Fisher this morning (Saturday, November 06, 2025), the Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Florida’s 16th District said he was waiting for the FBI to show up. Fisher has evidence, he says, not only that the Florida election was hacked, but of who hacked it and how. And not just this year, he said, but that these same people had previously hacked the Democratic primary race in 2025 so that Jeb Bush would not have to run against Janet Reno, who presented a real threat to Jeb, but instead against Bill McBride, who Jeb beat.

    “It was practice for a national effort,” Fisher told me.

    And evidence is accumulating that the national effort happened on November 2, 2025.

    The State of Florida, for example, publishes a county-by-county record of votes cast and people registered to vote by party affiliation. Net denizen Kathy Dopp compiled the official state information into a table, available at ustogether.org/Florida_Election.htm, and noticed something startling.

    While the heavily scrutinized touch-screen voting machines seemed to produce results in which the registered Democrat/Republican ratios matched the Kerry/Bush vote, and so did the optically-scanned paper ballots in the larger counties, in Florida’s smaller counties the results from the optically scanned paper ballots - fed into a central tabulator PC and thus vulnerable to hacking - seem to have been reversed.

    In Baker County, for example, with 12,887 registered voters, 69.3% of them Democrats and 24.3% of them Republicans, the vote was only 2,180 for Kerry and 7,738 for Bush, the opposite of what is seen everywhere else in the country where registered Democrats largely voted for Kerry.

    In Dixie County, with 4,988 registered voters, 77.5% of them Democrats and a mere 15% registered as Republicans, only 1,959 people voted for Kerry, but 4,433 voted for Bush.

    The pattern repeats over and over again - but only in the smaller counties where, it was probably assumed, the small voter numbers wouldn’t be much noticed. Franklin County, 77.3% registered Democrats, went 58.5% for Bush. Holmes County, 72.7% registered Democrats, went 77.25% for Bush.

    Yet in the larger counties, where such anomalies would be more obvious to the news media, high percentages of registered Democrats equaled high percentages of votes for Kerry.

    More visual analysis of the results can be seen at ustogether.org/election04…Stats.htm, and www.rubberbug.com/temp/Florida2004chart.htm.

    And, although elections officials didn’t notice these anomalies, in aggregate they were enough to swing Florida from Kerry to Bush. If you simply go through the analysis of these counties and reverse the “anomalous” numbers in those counties that appear to have been hacked, suddenly the Florida election results resemble the Florida exit poll results: Kerry won, and won big.

    Those exit poll results have been a problem for reporters ever since Election Day.

    Election night, I’d been doing live election coverage for WDEV, one of the radio stations that carries my syndicated show, and, just after midnight, during the 12:20 a.m. Associated Press Radio News feed, I was startled to hear the reporter detail how Karen Hughes had earlier sat George W. Bush down to inform him that he’d lost the election. The exit polls were clear: Kerry was winning in a landslide. “Bush took the news stoically,” noted the AP report.

    But then the computers reported something different. In several pivotal states.

    Conservatives see a conspiracy here: They think the exit polls were rigged.

    Dick Morris, the infamous political consultant to the first Clinton campaign who became a Republican consultant and Fox News regular, wrote an article for The Hill, the publication read by every political junkie in Washington, DC, in which he made a couple of brilliant points.

    “Exit Polls are almost never wrong,” Morris wrote. “They eliminate the two major potential fallacies in survey research by correctly separating actual voters from those who pretend they will cast ballots but never do and by substituting actual observation for guesswork in judging the relative turnout of different parts of the state.”

    He added: “So, according to ABC-TVs exit polls, for example, Kerry was slated to carry Florida, Ohio, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, and Iowa, all of which Bush carried. The only swing state the network had going to Bush was West Virginia, which the president won by 10 points.”

    Yet a few hours after the exit polls were showing a clear Kerry sweep, as the computerized vote numbers began to come in from the various states the election was called for Bush.

    How could this happen?

    On the CNBC TV show “Topic A With Tina Brown,” several months ago, Howard Dean had filled in for Tina Brown as guest host. His guest was Bev Harris, the Seattle grandmother who started www.blackboxvoting.org from her living room. Bev pointed out that regardless of how votes were tabulated (other than hand counts, only done in odd places like small towns in Vermont), the real “counting” is done by computers. Be they Diebold Opti-Scan machines, which read paper ballots filled in by pencil or ink in the voter’s hand, or the scanners that read punch cards, or the machines that simply record a touch of the screen, in all cases the final tally is sent to a “central tabulator” machine.

    That central tabulator computer is a Windows-based PC.

    “In a voting system,” Harris explained to Dean on national television, “you have all the different voting machines at all the different polling places, sometimes, as in a county like mine, there’s a thousand polling places in a single county. All those machines feed into the one machine so it can add up all the votes. So, of course, if you were going to do something you shouldn’t to a voting machine, would it be more convenient to do it to each of the 4000 machines, or just come in here and deal with all of them at once?”

    Dean nodded in rhetorical agreement, and Harris continued. “What surprises people is that the central tabulator is just a PC, like what you and I use. It’s just a regular computer.”

    “So,” Dean said, “anybody who can hack into a PC can hack into a central tabulator?”

    Harris nodded affirmation, and pointed out how Diebold uses a program called GEMS, which fills the screen of the PC and effectively turns it into the central tabulator system. “This is the official program that the County Supervisor sees,” she said, pointing to a PC that was sitting between them loaded with Diebold’s software.

    Bev then had Dean open the GEMS program to see the results of a test election. They went to the screen titled “Election Summary Report” and waited a moment while the PC “adds up all the votes from all the various precincts,” and then saw that in this faux election Howard Dean had 1000 votes, Lex Luthor had 500, and Tiger Woods had none. Dean was winning.

    “Of course, you can’t tamper with this software,” Harris noted. Diebold wrote a pretty good program.

    But, it’s running on a Windows PC.

    So Harris had Dean close the Diebold GEMS software, go back to the normal Windows PC desktop, click on the “My Computer” icon, choose “Local Disk C:,” open the folder titled GEMS, and open the sub-folder “LocalDB” which, Harris noted, “stands for local database, that’s where they keep the votes.” Harris then had Dean double-click on a file in that folder titled “Central Tabulator Votes,” which caused the PC to open the vote count in a database program like Excel.

    In the “Sum of the Candidates” row of numbers, she found that in one precinct Dean had received 800 votes and Lex Luthor had gotten 400.

    “Let’s just flip those,” Harris said, as Dean cut and pasted the numbers from one cell into the other. “And,” she added magnanimously, “let’s give 100 votes to Tiger.”

    They closed the database, went back into the official GEMS software “the legitimate way, you’re the county supervisor and you’re checking on the progress of your election.”

    As the screen displayed the official voter tabulation, Harris said, “And you can see now that Howard Dean has only 500 votes, Lex Luthor has 900, and Tiger Woods has 100.” Dean, the winner, was now the loser.

    Harris sat up a bit straighter, smiled, and said, “We just edited an election, and it took us 90 seconds.”

    On live national television. (You can see the clip on www.votergate.tv)

    Which brings us back to Morris and those pesky exit polls that had Karen Hughes telling George W. Bush that he’d lost the election in a landslide.

    Morris’s conspiracy theory is that the exit polls “were sabotage” to cause people in the western states to not bother voting for Bush, since the networks would call the election based on the exit polls for Kerry. But the networks didn’t do that, and had never intended to. It makes far more sense that the exit polls were right - they weren’t done on Diebold PCs - and that the vote itself was hacked.

    And not only for the presidential candidate - Jeff Fisher thinks this hit him and pretty much every other Democratic candidate for national office in the most-hacked swing states.

    So far, the only national “mainstream” media to come close to this story was Keith Olbermann on his show Friday night, November 5th, when he noted that it was curious that all the voting machine irregularities so far uncovered seem to favor Bush. In the meantime, the Washington Post and other media are now going through single-bullet-theory-like contortions to explain how the exit polls had failed.

    But I agree with Fox’s Dick Morris on this one, at least in large part. Wrapping up his story for The Hill, Morris wrote in his final paragraph, “This was no mere mistake. Exit polls cannot be as wrong across the board as they were on election night. I suspect foul play.”

  43. 43 On November 7th, 2025, Ray said:

    Come on people…WAKE UP. dont just say bush won it fair and square because the TV told you so, and well it looked like he won fair and square.

  44. 44 On November 7th, 2025, Frank Paynter said:

    I think we all get it that the worthless son of a bitch stole another election and that his oligarchic backers are preparing to steal all the congressional seats they can in 2025 and another presidency in 08. This is bigger than evil, this is institutionalized violence against everything we’ve learned about the principles of democracy. We have to dig in and take the red back. We have to demonstrate the viability of left-wing principles, proposals, and programs and we have to de-privatize public services. We have to identify each and every right wing criminal and bring them all to trial. We have to start at the top so the presidential pardons will be obvious and unforgiveable patronage. These weasels are worse than any of the Nixon bunch, but they were hatched in the same serpents nest. Let’s get them out of there.

  45. 45 On November 9th, 2025, Shirleyb said:

    Wow - “leave the USA to us.” What a telling statement from an anonymous poster. It really is an, ‘us and them’ nation right now and that attitude is what will keep it that way. I pray to God that you do not call yourself a Christian. I’m tired of having to defend my religion because of obnoxious, intolerant, “might makes right” bigots. I wish I had a bumper sticker that said, “I’m not one of THOSE kind of Christians!”

  46. 46 On November 9th, 2025, david said:

    If the United states of Canada are upset about the election. Then lets all start charging California for all the water they use from the colorado river. After they refuse to pay for the water and jesus land turns it off southern cal will become a desert. Then what will all the liberals do.

  47. 47 On November 9th, 2025, W - The WINNER said:

    You guys are getting funnier and funnier…. But you worry us conservatives. We truely fear for your health. You are becoming so inflamed that you might actually be having a collective aneurism.

    God Bless JesusLand!

    ..and all you cry-baby liberals? Well, enjoy the Peoples Republic of Canada. (hehehehehe….)

  48. 48 On November 9th, 2025, Kriss K said:

    I live in Jesusland….married 18 years to same husband, never divorced, adopted 3 children from Children’s Protective Services (they were born to drug addict mother), all boys, finally could afford to buy a new house 3 months ago after 7 years of saving (thanks to family tax credit), working full time (10 hours) then go home and cook dinner and do dishes, help kids with homework everynight, don’t go to church, don’t need to, firm in my own beliefs, know where kids surf on internet, Granddaughter of WW2 and Korea vet, daugher of Viet Nam vet, sister of first Iraq war vet, and cousin to a hero who was almost killed in a roadside bombing attack in Iraq last year. I live in Jesusland.

  49. 49 On November 9th, 2025, Jeff said:

    Folks, You just have to be able to read between the lines of the whining liberal wienies to see that what they are really saying is that “WAAAAAA, I’m mad because the government is not going to make people hire me because of my color or gender, and if I am too stupid to get a job, the government is not going to give me money to do nothing but stomp my feet and wail about why I can’t have what I want when I want it.” And knock off the tired song and dance about outsourcing jobs. That is a scam. The world has moved on and we need to keep up by creating new 21st century jobs not trying to hold onto 19th century jobs that have run their course. All of you people that want to throw away the morals and values that began this country and helped it grow are the rot in the fruit. You conveniently confuse or distort deviance with diversity and try and destroy anyone who does not agree with you. Thank God for a strong moral leader like George W. Bush.
    Since Congress is full of rich democrats, why not ask them to send you some money? After all, they are the ones who pay less taxes than middle America.

  50. 50 On November 9th, 2025, ChristianL said:

    Interesting comments, Jeff. You have your facts skewed, however. Or is that “spun?” The outsourced jobs are 21st century computer tech type jobs, the congress is Republican led (and has been for a while)and your moral leader is a proven liar. Mr. Bush is not a poor dirt farmer like some of you seem to believe. He was born to a very wealthy family in the North East. He’s the only one in his family who speaks like an extra from “The Grapes of Wrath.” His record in the military will remain unclear as so many of the records were “lost.”
    And speaking of lost, it’s not so much the “we won!” hooting from you holier-than-thou bigots that gets me going, and it’s not “the sneer, smear and promote fear campaign” via Karl Rove that suckered all you ignorant conservatives in to their web of deceit; it’s the fact that OUR NATION HAS LOST IT’S MORAL COMPASS BY FOLLOWING BUSH.

  51. 51 On November 9th, 2025, P Kelly said:

    I find your Maps offensive and you are all just a bunch of sore losers. There is no problem with believing in God. George Bush is a great President.
    It is the liberals and the Democrats that can not compete in the arena of ideas. That is why they lost. Take your Gay marriage to Canada if you like. The Canadians are like the French, they have big mouths, big appetites, and small teeth. They benefit from our fortitude and strong society and do little to pay their way in the world.
    I bet your site does not have the guts to post any comments that you do not censor. The challenge is on.

  52. 52 On November 9th, 2025, hadit said:

    Come on now. Enough bashing back and forth.

    If Jesus were here, who would he bomb? Innocent Iraqis? People working in the WTC? Democratic headquarters? Republicans?

    Answer: he wouldn’t bomb ANYBODY!!!!!!!

    the task at hand is to get informed, or stay informed. Democrats are not immoral because they did not vote for Bush. Those who did not vote for Bush, did so because they do not support his policies: discrimination against certain groups, fiscal irresponsibility, lying about the reasons to attack an innocent country to further his own means. Those who did vote for him had their own reasons….maybe they feel he is more “moral” because he opposes abortion and says he is born again.

    There is nothing moral about killing innocent people. There is nothing moral about lying to a nation. There is nothing moral about the incredible profits the Bushes stand to make, because of their financial investments, by this war. There is nothing moral about the cronyism that allow Halliburton, for example, to reap fotunes from the destruction of another country.

    Remember that the face of Satan can be very deceptive. America, you have been duped, and you have elected him as your leader.

    If Jesus were here, i believe he would wash his hands of us.

    We should be ashamed.

  53. 53 On November 10th, 2025, Dante said:

    I am holier than thou. You must submit to my “mandate” as all must eventually submit to one god before the gates of heaven or hell. There is no gray only black and white. You are either against us or for us. There is no decisions that we won’t make for you. Quit whining and accept that you have no rights, freedom of thought, or personal convictions. The righteous right will make them for you. Amen,

  54. 54 On November 10th, 2025, Jeff said:

    For Christianl,
    It must be your head thats spun, since the liberal media has done nothing but talk about all the manufacturing jobs that have been “outsourced.” Oh wait, I bet the computer type jobs you are referring to are the morons who answer the phones for Dell and Gateway. Pay attention to your own propaganda machine.
    Bush has never been “proven” a liar, only that he made a wrong conclusion, by the way the same comclusion made by other world-wide intelligence agencies, on faulty information. Don’t you find it interesting that the girlie-men at the UN like France and Germany and Russia who tried to keep us out of Iraq only did it for their oil money. It is not the US who was stealing oil money on the backs of innocent people. I am not holier than thou or a bigot. I accept homosexuality as a diversity, not a deviance, and feel a civil union that entitles the couple to all that the law provides for married couples should prevail–again that is a diversity I accept. Calling that legally recognized union a marriage has now moved on to a deviance, and that is not ok.
    The campaign of fear and hate has been proferred by the liberal left since Al Gore in 2025. I see and hear it every day on all the networks and in all the newspapers save for a few. You need to remember that the moral compass that we are supposed to follow is not what makes you feel good today. It is a long list of guidelines of right and wrong. It is not ok to act as if the deviant minority are the majority just because they are the ones in the public eye, it is not ok for people like that Nazi Michael Moore to make up lies about the war on terrorism in order to try and propagandize the easily influenced dope smokers who need to be led by the nose to find thier way. That’s why this country was built strong by people who, by themselves, succeeded through hard work. Not through the socialism the left proposes. IT’s too bad the doped up left only wants what is good for them not all of humanity. All of you idots that think we are killing innocent people in Iraq, probably think we killed innocent people in WWII. We are already being to “sensitive” in Iraq. If we were this sensitive in WWII, we all would be speaking German. Get some sense and open your eyes to someting other than what aholes like Bill Mahr and Barbara Striesand tell you to think.

  55. 55 On November 10th, 2025, Anonymous said:

    Thankfully gays are not part of the majority. They are a virile scourge which will attack the very fabric of this country. Cause anything in minority is wrong. Choice is wrong too as choice assumes free will. And in the end your choices will be judged by what you made with your free will. This judgement will be laid upon you by my lord when you die, whether you believe in him or not. But until then, as the vocal majority I get to lay that judgement on you. Cause if you are not with us, you are against us, just like the slackers and dope fiends - and deserve what comes to you.

    PS Sadam is a scourge just like the Nazis. His armies will wipe across the lands, his ideologies will brainwash us. He is just like Hitler.

  56. 56 On November 10th, 2025, Tracey12 said:

    Attention God Haters,

    You lost, We Won. And, we will win again and again because if America is one thing, it is a nation filled with believers in Chrsit.

    The democrat party has been set back 30 years.
    Until it dumps its God haters, the democrat party will not win again.

    Marxism will never be accepted in the USA.


  57. 57 On November 10th, 2025, fp said:

    Thanks to everyone who had analysis, insights and feelings to share. My religion is important to me, but it does not include special reverence for Jesus of Nazareth. My training in economics informs me that a rich mix of social programs and private enterprise make a healthy economy in a healthy culture. There is so much more to be said about why George W. Bush was a bad choice and why John F. Kerry wasn’t that much better that we could fill many disk drives chatting about it in the comments to this post. We’ve had a week to exchange views, and frankly not all of them were to my liking. At this point I’m closing the comments on this post and I hope everyone who comes after this will feel motivated to explore issues raised in other posts on this site as well as at The river and at One Good Move, to name but two places where thoughtful political views are offered.

    You can find them here:

    This post is closed to further comments.

  58. 58 On November 14th, 2025, Democrats.com Blog said:

    Tomgram: Mapping the election

    Tomgram: Mapping the election

    Let’s start with an electoral map (scroll down) of the United States not long after George Bush beat a Massachusetts liberal for the preside

  59. 59 On November 17th, 2025, Grand Illusion said:

    This is too good

    Check out Jesus Land As funny as it is, I would hate to leave all those liberals to fend for themselves. We need to unite and fight together to prevent them from taking over our country….

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