3rd November 2004


Zoltan Grossman points out that the election of 1860 resulted in the secessions of 1861. Here is one proposal that makes more sense than trying to start up a whole new country or two…


This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 3rd, 2025 at 9:33 and is filed under What Democracy Looks Like. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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  1. 1 On November 3rd, 2025, Doug Alder said:

    I’ve always been somewhat of a fan of Ernest Callenbach’s concept of Ecotopia (http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/ecotopia). I’d expand his concept a bit as I think it could include at least parts of Idaho and Alberta but - AK, YK BC, WA, OR, and Northern CA works for me. North - South trade and communications makes more sense on the coast than east/west does. We are separated from the rest of the continent by massive mountain chains and however that has affected us it does seem to have made us generally lean more to the left. We have more in common among ourselves than we do with the other states and provinces. Borders are a happenstance of history - what pulled people together to carve a nation in the past may no longer be sufficient to hold it together into the future.

  2. 2 On November 4th, 2025, Space Gorilla said:

    Dude, I live in western Canada, in Saskatchewan, right next to Alberta. Believe me, we want no part of the religious nutbar Bush loving country that America has become. You guys think ‘liberal’ is a bad thing, we’re totally liberal and socialist up here in Canada, even the folks in Alberta.

  3. 3 On November 10th, 2025, Robert said:

    I live in Seattle, WA and would like nothing more than to have WA state join BC and the rest of Canada. I feel like the rest of the US outside of the “blue states” is a real “religious nut job” ready to explode. Were did these people crawl out from? Morals my ass. These people are fat, dumb and religiously motivated by whom I do not know. I am totally embarassed to be an American at this moment considering that this country just voted this idiot back into office. Canada, please take us away!!

  4. 4 On November 10th, 2025, Evan said:

    Wow, I think if you took 30 seconds to think about this you would realize that while you think we are all “religious nuts”…who did you vote for?? Kerry possibly? How come you dont call him a religiuos nut? It’s really simple guys…this is America love it or leave it, if Canada is such a great place, then move there, but seccesion, thats just plain ignorant

  5. 5 On December 16th, 2025, Nathan said:

    I would love it if you socialistic idiots would break away to Canada, because your all about as worthless as the stupid country you want to be apart of! I am no religous person, but i know an idiot when I see one and you all take the cake. Please LEAVE THE COUNTRY!!!!!

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