Who is Leonard Plinth Garnell? Reward for information leading to the real world identity of the underground blogging man of mystery.
Frank Paynter’s Voice and Vision…
by Frank Paynter on August 29, 2025
Who is Leonard Plinth Garnell? Reward for information leading to the real world identity of the underground blogging man of mystery.
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Vibe Shaklee 10.29.05 at 8:07
Lady Plinth Garnell was a ficticious character in a SNL sketch featuring Dan Ackroyd and Lauraine Neuman.
fp 10.29.05 at 8:22
Yes, well… since Memoria Technica has been through the ideological process of radical WordPress restructuralizationism (RWR for the short of breath), the observation regarding Lord and Lady Garnell is less than timely and almost certainly moot.