21st August 2004

Tuna Tartare

posted in Bidness |

I try to keep my subscription to EGR paid in advance. Oh sure, I’m concerned for the kitty. It’s important that she have sufficient palatable food available. But here’s the real reason

So this article by Andrew Goodman is on a site called Traffick, which I had never seen before, not giving a damn about traffic, myself, except to suggest that certain people go play in it. (btw, that was a classic hortatory subjunctive construction, for you non-native speakers and those of you playing along at home.)

How many of us have fucking “hortatory” lingering anywhere near our active vocabulary stack? And further, while the non-native speaker of English may find the distinction between the subjunctive construction and the Swahili -ki- to be of more than academic interest, I wonder how many native speakers could tell RB which requires the subject of the second verb to be the object of the first?

This entry was posted on Saturday, August 21st, 2025 at 10:43 and is filed under Bidness. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 4 responses to “Tuna Tartare”

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  1. 1 On August 23rd, 2025, memer said:

    What th’…?! Is that..? O my stars, it is. Don’t look now fp, but that’s one flaming, raging, blue steel hard on you’ve got there for Mr. Boy, isn’t it.

    Yes, he is one remarkably bright mind. But, for real, isn’t there some kind of turnkey software out there now that can make his site a subscription-only thing? Or mebbe it can work like Sports Illustrated’s site where some content is free and other stuff is “members only?”

  2. 2 On August 23rd, 2025, fp said:


  3. 3 On August 23rd, 2025, memer said:

    sorry. too “colorful” by half. let me speak more plainly.

    * RageBoy is indeed a special artist.
    * You’re obviously a huge fan.
    * I was thinking there might be some kind of off-the-shelf software out there he can use to add some kind of subscription component to it. Sports Illustrated’s site is one example of offering subscription content.

  4. 4 On August 23rd, 2025, fp said:

    Good idea. Unfortunately I am no longer a fan. His latest post infringes on my registered trademark of “cheese.” My lawyers are talking to his lawyers.

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