Leslie Winer! For her email submission: Molly Bloom.
how about molly bloom, seriously though.
my dog’s name is gracie
she came named.
my second to last daughter’s name is maeve
which is why i was pushing it so hard; )
queenie’s good, no?
this is sort of like thinking about band names
you just can’t stop.
thanks a lot,
Dozens of people contributed canine cognomens, some funny, some serious. I liked Peter Hoff’s Paynterly submissions:
Vincent Van Dogh (Vince or Van for short)
Muttisse (though it looks too cute and well bred for that)
Leonardo DogVinci (Leo or, again, Vince)
Jacques Dogvide (Jock)
Dervala’s submissions were all Irish. She opined:
I think my role here is to supply some Irish girls’ names:Sinead
Biddy ( http://www.clarelibrary.ie/eolas/coclare/people/biddy.htm )
Afria (my middle name–super-Gaelic, but too full of breathy vowels)
Orla (okay, more breathy vowels.)
Colleen (which isn’t a girl’s name, it just means ‘girl’. We spell it cailin.)Or one of the best Irish placenames ever: Dingle.
http://www.dingle-peninsula.ie/I would, of course, be honored to think of a Patrick’s Day pup called Dervla running around
Though I think I’d name my own dog Halley.
I had asked, “What would be a good name for something this tail-less and furry?” and Doc Searls replied,
I agree. Name the dog “What.”I’m not kidding.
Think about it.
I’m still thinking about it… say what? Ken camp suggested that a Sandhill pup should be named Dune, and my son ben agreed. He said, “dune’s a boss suggestion. it’s got both wit and that late early 90s Mad Max bad boy appeal. some dog named dune would grow up to dominate.” Sometimes I need a translator to talk with my own kids.
Dean thought that since it has no tail it might be called Darwin. Gary, also working on the tail-less notion suggested “Integral.” Cheyenne had several suggestions, among them Biggles and Banjo, both good names for something so wiggly and cute. Halley liked Cutie Pie, (while I was pondering naming her Halley). Jeneane’s entry, “poopalloverthefloor,” while accurate and realistic lacked the musical ring and allusive Irish quality of the winner. You had to be there to understand Chris Pirillo’s suggestion, “NotMe.”
Thanks to everyone else who submitted names, Yule, Kevin, Catherine, Maggie, Henry, Adriana, Stu, Meg, Shelley, Susan, Michael, JR, Wendy, Elaine, Dan, Brian, Bill, and Niek. I thought about getting lots of puppies so I could use all those great names, but Beth sort of folded her arms and tapped her foot on that one. She’s the only person I know who can hold that pose while convincingly nodding an affirmation and at the same time saying simply “no.”
{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }
Dean Landsman 05.05.04 at 1:30
Insightful and curious readers of Sandhill Trek will want to know if Leslie is related to someone else with that last name.
fp 05.05.04 at 3:04
That is a question I have never asked, nor do I intend to!
leslie 05.05.04 at 10:55
attention insightful and curious sandhill trek readers:
i think maybe i should have a re-name leslie winer contest at this point.
fp 05.06.04 at 6:55
Leslie is a perfectly fine name. There are many wonderful people named Leslie, including you. Better you should keep that name than complicate matters for all of us.
Anonymous 05.06.04 at 11:43
email to my brother
(to be read in loud boston accent; which is what we use when talking to each other) love you too, deah. hey, send me your st. address so i can write it down before shipping my computer tomorrow. nothing like…
Anonymous 05.06.04 at 11:47
email to my brother
(to be read in loud boston accent; which is what we use when talking to each other) love you too, deah. hey, send me your st. address so i can write it down before shipping my computer tomorrow. nothing like…