18th March 2004

Clueless If Loyal Opposition

Madeleine (”you ignorant slut”) Albright shows again the profound depth of insight that allowed her to chalk off the deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqi children as necessary collateral damage during the Clinton years of the economic embargo against Iraq. This is from the Philadelphia Inquirer:

“The credibility of the United States is sinking,” said Madeleine K. Albright, who was secretary of state in the Clinton administration. “Osama bin Laden has been able to do something that 40 years of communism was unable to do, which is to divide Europe from the United States.

Hellooo… Maddy??? Anybody home? It wasn’t bin Laden who achieved the US isolationist separation from the rest of the world. It was Bush and his ilk. If not for the Christian Right we would retain some credibility in Europe. Today we have none. Take a chill-pill Maddy, and get off the stage of public utterance. Yo’ a fool. You were bad under Clinton and you’re bad today. Dangerous nonsense spews from your mouth whenever you open it. Back under the rock Maddy.

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