1st March 2004

Student Shortage?

Scoble posts on a scurrilous taunt from Winer.

Dave Winer, yesterday, theorized that fewer students were choosing to major in computer science because of Microsoft’s industry dominance.

I love him dearly but that Dave Winer is such a troll. His musings were based on a New York Times article that based some assumptions on the CRA annual survey current results of which have not yet been made public. Regardless, extrapolating from this data source tells you little about the number of people prepared to enter the workforce in the IT industry. If you do look closely at recent data, they’re not that bad, BUT… they don’t meet the Gates/Balmer stated goal of reducing US salaries to levels found in the offshore workforce. That goal can be achieved, they think, by encouraging an over-supply of techs in the field.

So Dave’s musings notwithstanding, it has yet to be demonstrated that there is actually a problem here. Are there too few students entering the discipline of Computer Science? I doubt it. I especially doubt it if you look at “degree production” world-wide. Does a short-fall of CS graduates in the US force jobs offshore? Not those jobs. Does a CS degree prepare one for the wonderful world of entrepreneurship and technical innovation? NOT! This whole thing is a non-issue and it’s based on Winer’s typically dyspeptic view of Microsoft. Thanks Dave! Thanks for sharing!

This entry was posted on Monday, March 1st, 2025 at 4:04 and is filed under High Noise - Low Signal. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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  1. 1 On March 1st, 2025, The Dynamic Driveler said:

    If there is a shortage of CS students in US schools today perhaps it’s because there are few jobs available and many thousands of previous CS grads seeking the few jobs that do come available. That is the result of the bust tech bubble not Microsoft. - you’re right he’s trolling :-)

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