30th January 2004

No-Ledge Management

In a prior post I wrote of blowing Gator Ade out my nose. This reminded me of a Gary Larson cartoon with a pride of lions lounging around reminiscing. One says to the other, “Remember that time when we were all feeding off that antelope and you laughed so hard you blew an antler out your nostril?” But the allusion is even more profound since it cross references a blog posting from Chris Locke last night where-in his daughter Selene actually did blow Gator Ade out her nose, or at least the writer would have you believe this happened. Writers are a deceptive lot though, and sometimes they throw that kind of detail into the mix just to create an effect. Take my dog Fang… please.

There’s a lot to recommend Locke’s post — an assessment of Orkut, a pop-culture etymological discussion of the phrase “out the yin yang,” and an opportunity to contribute to American letters in a meaningful way. I love the idea that with a few simple hard dollar contributions I can BUY my way into the acknowledgements in his next book. And that book is sure to be a best seller because guys like me who bought our way into the acknowledgements will be buying multiple copies and giving them away. And even if I don’t pony up the cash, I’ll still probably buy multiple copies because there are women in my past who will need to read this stuff. Barbara. Janis.

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