28th December 2003

Flying United?

The mile high club is one thing. United Airlines is another. I suppose if you look at it a certain way, they’re both just variations on how to get fucked. Based on my experience coming and going this last week, I will in the future avoid United Airlines connections to Madison through Chicago at all costs. It wasn’t just the holidays. And it wasn’t just the simpleton Bush-whacked homeland security bullshit. Although that paranoid nonsense has given the airlines something to hide behind and allow their customer service to degrade.

United was not on time. They were not forthcoming about the reasons for not being on time. Their baggage handling was miserable. They’ve introduced paid meals on their flights. And their equipment on the feeder routes sucks big-time… small seats, inadequate room for carry-ons…

That company needs some help. But first they owe me some money I think I’ll try to collect. Parking fees, kennel costs, an unplanned night at the Chicago Hilton. Those are the quantifiable items. The pain and suffering (heavy sigh, back of hand pressed against forehead, woe is me…), the anxiety, and the precious hours of holiday time were robbed from me by their shoddy operation and I can’t get those back.

Of course I also blame George Bush. At least the fascists in the thirties made the public transportation run on time. What’s the porgie dude done for us lately?

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