28th December 2003

Racing Away…

Thanks to everyone who paused to wish me “Happy Birthday.” It truly was a happy day, starting with a visit to the Farmers Market at the Ferry Building with Beth and Leslie, pause for a pork bun at Yank Sing in Rincon Annex, some pictures of the old WPA murals there that I’ll post as soon as I’ve photoshopped Rageboy’s head into the one that depicts a raft of great writers…. Thanks for the Harry and David’s Moose Munch, Leslie!

We wound up our visit with a trip to Sausalito. Less English being spoken there than any of a half dozen other languages… French, Farsi, German, Arabic, Spanish, Japanese, a couple of Chinese dialects… amazing diversity on the street. After cracked crab for lunch at the Seven Seas, we went out to Fort Baker, walked a bit, took a few pictures, then went back and met Matt downtown. After a few beverages at the no name bar, we went down Bridgeway to Scoma’s. Matt and I each had the seared ahi tuna (change of pace from my consistently loyal support of the beef industry) with wasabi, shaved ginger, and sesame seeds. The wasabi was real, not the green horseradish paste that we have all learned to tolerate absent the increasingly rare spring water grown relative of watercress. The waitress stuck a lighted candle in my “French Vanilla Cheesecake with raspberry sauce” dessert. We said goodbye to Matt with joy rather than the usual tears. There’s a lot to write about those partings we’ve experienced over the years, but now that he really is grown-up, the quality seems to have changed. Ben had already lit out of town for a week in Jamaica: tough duty. Matt will be headed for Honduras soon. We get up at zero dark thirty to catch a 7am flight Sunday morning.

See you lagter, when I’m back in the US Central time zone!

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