23rd December 2003

SF Santa


We miss all the fun… the Santa Con happened on Saturday, a day before we arrived. On the other hand, we do eat good food! The name of the Dim Sum restaurant is Ton Kiang.

We have rezzies at Farallon for tonight. Tomorrow carols and services at Grace Cathedral. Then on the 25th walking on the beach and some fancy dinner.

Beth and I are heavy into the holidays. We usually have a big tree, an abundance of festively wrapped gifts, carols playing all morning as we eat stollen she has baked for the occasion… we are happiest when we have the boys with us too. This year the boys are long since men and our Quakerism is shaking my observance of some of those family traditions. Matt is coming home to California from Honduras. His brother is here too. We’ll be able to gather together this year, but the hotel room holiday is unique in our experience.

Historically, Friends haven’t been interested in elevating one day over another during the year. On the other hand, there’s no serious proscription against it. None of the people in our meeting care one way or another about whether or not we celebrate on the 25th. All of them would look askance if we showed up at meeting in a HummVee. Here are some thoughts about Quakers’ thoughts about Christmas.

Well, we’re off to see the Degas sculptures at the Palace of the Legion of Honor. It was closed yesterday as we trekked past. Just as well, since our feet were starting to fall off at that point. the next few days promise to be drizzly and dark. Perfect museum weather.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 23rd, 2025 at 3:04 and is filed under Cat Pictures, Food, and Travel. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 8 responses to “SF Santa”

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  1. 1 On December 23rd, 2025, Mike Golby said:

    We’re very much a tree family too. I have to blow all my production bonuses and credit ratings on the kids as well. To now, while there’s been some debate as to where the gifts come from, it’s been kind of fun. Unfortunately, the kids have grown into a secular, ersatz, all-pervasive, post-modern fundamentalism that seeks a fast buck, and our family appreciation of Christmas is winding down. But, on a strictly personal level, I won’t lose the tree, the Mass, and the meaning of the day (the latter transcending mere celebration of a possible past or future). Wherever you and your family find yourselves, Frank, have a really good ‘un :).

  2. 2 On December 23rd, 2025, Bruce said:

    Hey Frank. Happy Christmas, happy day after and happy day after day.

    A new blog. wow. will take some getting used to. What is that, Bryce Canyon in the background? I’m thinking of moving to typepad come the new year myself. Also tired of the Bruce bs. Time to break on through to the other side…

    Oh, hey Mike. Merry Christmas to you too.

    Great pic!

  3. 3 On December 24th, 2025, Norm Jenson said:

    Tis the season it seems, and this looks like the place to extend greetings for a joyful holiday to Frank, Mike and Bruce. Have a good one.

  4. 4 On December 24th, 2025, ray said:

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and yours, Frank…and to all these other hoodlums hanging out here ;) Cool new blogspace.

  5. 5 On December 24th, 2025, Mike Golby said:

    The “Bruce” character (he’s all over the bloody place - some goddamn Australian in acid-eating Crocodile Dundee mode) is about the only hoodlum that hangs out here, ray. And even he is tiring of his macho Bondi Beach, coke-sniffing, bimbo-bonking facade. It’s so bloody 60s.

    Yeah. I’ve no idea what you’re speaking of. We’re all civilized: scholars, students of life, the greater good and the common lot. Y’know, the usual crap. Honor, integrity, authenticity, that sort of stuff. Fine food, wine, wo… yeah, you get the drift. Gentlemen and genteel ladies all. Frank (a model of propriety and good taste) guides us in these things.

    I dunno… you poets are all the same; jumping to generalizations - I’m hurt. Hoodlum indeed. Hmmf… Hey, it’s Christmas. Have a good ‘un yourself, my friend; and to Bruce (the liberal-pinko-U.S. one), Norm (another commie), and anyone else stopping by too. For those to whom it represents a day off, enjoy it and for those working so that others have time off with family, thanks. We owe you.

  6. 6 On December 24th, 2025, Frank Paynter said:

    I sure am glad to see people leaving comments here! I hope everyone is having the merriest of soltice seasons, and to the nominally Christians and secular celebrants among us… well, Merry Christmas! And/or Happy Hannukah! Blessed Eid! Kickin’ Kwanza! And whatever else you might be celebrating, may the celebration enrich your life and may the underlying meanings and truths be clearly understood and support you on your journey.

  7. 7 On December 25th, 2025, Yule Heibel said:

    And as ageing hipsters everywhere are wont to say (even though it mispronounces my name): “Have one cool Yule!”

    I wish I got a dollar — inflation, you know — everytime my name gets used around now. Or own “Yule” as a domain name, ha….

  8. 8 On December 25th, 2025, Stu Savory said:

    SF? I’d always thought you were around Chicago someplace. I need to hop over to Oshkosh again sometime and was planning to drop in on you.

    Stu Savory (CFII)

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