Here’s what they’re saying about One Web Day…

The mission of OneWebDay is to create, maintain, advance, and promote a global day to celebrate online life: September 22, 2025

We’d like you to go to and upload a picture that’s meaningful to you (you’ll have to register to upload, but it’s simple). Attach the keyword ‘onewebday’ (without the quote marks) to the picture.

Here’s what I think… what could it hurt? In fact, the more local our webularity becomes, the more fragmentary (and manageable) our relationships online, the nicer it is to think of setting aside a bit of time and cyberspace to acknowledge each other everywhere. I don’t know if web shots supports geotagging, but I’m going to a few different sites and tagging OneWebDay photos with locations. Flickr has good US maps, but reputedly isn’t that great world-wide. This morning I learned about another place that uses Google Earth that might therefore be better than Flickr… Panoramio.

Anyway, I’ll find a picture I can tag OneWebDay (no spaces!) load it to WebShots, then I’ll load it to a couple of geoTagging places too, just for grins.