Category Archives: Journo

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  • Walter Cronkite

    What sort of day was it? A day like all days, filled with those events that alter and illuminate our times… and you were there. – Walter Cronkite, narrating He informed my youth with You Are There (1953 — 1957). I saw every show. He informed my adulthood, reporting on six US Presidents from Kennedy [...]

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    “EPIC 2024″ It has been five years since this was created. We seem to be pretty much on target.

    Also posted in Bidness, Networks | Comments closed

    Orwell Diaries

    …daily postings from George Orwell’s diaries seventy years ago. (H/T to “SmartManDaily”)

    Posted in Journo | Comments closed

    Amazing in her awesomeness…

    Anne Elizabeth Moore, famous author (“Unmarketable”) and Code Pinkerton, provides a continuous flow of tweets, blog posts , and FlickR pics from the RNC this week. I am embarrassingly out of touch, but looking through Anne’s pictures I saw Voices in the Wilderness’s own Kathy Kelly and wondered what was up with her. A little [...]

    Also posted in Blogging and Flogging, Class Warfare, Peace and Politics | Comments closed

    Amy Goodman Busted in St. Paul

    Freaking outrageous… Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman, Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Nicole Salazar were arrested by the Minneapolis Police Department. Charged with conspiracy to riot. Footage from Rick Rowley and Brandon Jourdan. CONSPIRACY TO RIOT??? AMY GOODMAN??? [tags]Amy Goodman, St Paul, Police abuse of power, Republican paranoia, jackbooted thugs, free press my ass[/tags]

    Also posted in Class Warfare, Journalism, Peace and Politics, Politics | Comments closed

    Yi-Tan: Hyperlocal News

    Jerry Michalski and Pip Coburn co-host Yi-Tan, a weekly conference call that eventually covers most things cyberlogical. Today’s guests were Lisa Williams — founder of placeblogger, Tish Grier — Online Community Maven and social media consultant, and Danny Ayers — (not the semantic web advocate, but rather the) Director, Interactive Media at – WNCN-TV. [...]

    Also posted in Bloggers 'n blogs, Blogging and Flogging, Journalism, Web Publishing | Comments closed

    Jay Rosen, Rush Holt, Glenn Greenwald on Anthrax

    The Ivins story has the smell of convenient death and cover-up. The anthrax attacks of 2024 may have been a means to an end. ABC refuses to release information on discredited sources, information that could bring clarity to the anthrax story today. All this and more, Jay Rosen Friday on Glenn Greenwald’s podcast. [tags]podcats, now [...]

    Also posted in Impeachment, Journalism, Peace and Politics | Comments closed

    Women who write

    I’ve been a Heather Havrilesky fan for some time, or maybe aficionado would be more accurate. I was happily reminded of HH’s great good work by RageBoy, in his hyperlink today to her column titled “Shark Week” at Salon. In that column she segues nicely from an informed discussion of sharks in the water to [...]

    Also posted in Arts and Literature, Web Publishing | Comments closed