5th January 2005

Grumpy pusses of the day…

Evel Knievel for being a sore loser.  (Sorry to pimp you evel-dude)…

Or me, for being grumpy that the prez would be positioning the bro for 08 by giving him tidal wave relief exposure.  We have lots of qualified diplomats… why send a Bush?

Or me again for joining the whining left in wondering why US Navy signals providing early tsunami warning weren’t shared with the people in the path of destruction.

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31st December 2004

Give me a farging break…

Bloggers are people of the year?  ABC news reports this.  I’d link to them but I don’t want to give them the traffic.  Goof balls.

Here is the Person of the Year…

Ms. Emmy Rossum


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16th December 2004

Dangling Modifiers

I’m glad I read the Threads fashion column in The Pitch.  Without it I would miss a lot.  This week’s beauty secret revolves around how to accessorize your vehicle in the most manly way.  "The long reign of the urinating-Calvin window sticker is over…."

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6th December 2004


Here, stolen from the comments section at Norm Jenson’s blog, a tale of deer hunting that rings true…

A group of Missouri hillbillies went deer hunting and paired off in twos for the day. That night, one of the hunters returned home alone, staggering uner the weight of a 10-Point buck.

"Where’s Bubba?" the others asked.

"Bubba had a stroke of some kind, he’s a couple of miles up the trail." the successful hunter replied.

"You mean you just left Bubba lying out there and carried the buck back?" they inquired.

"A tough call," nodded the other hunter. "But I figured no one would steal Bubba."

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4th December 2004

Lost Posts

Uncle Rage tried to tell me a long time ago that I should compose in an editor like TextPad, then cut and paste my posts into the little browser based form box of my blogging tool.  Ignoriing that sage advice, I’ve had two false starts this morning as I try to create a fluffy little number around the serious issues posed by Sony’s attempt to intimidate Jason Kottke.

I’ll give it one more shot.

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1st December 2004

Rogers’ Cartoon…

From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (copyrighted material)…


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12th November 2004

Bob Jones to the Lame Duck

Via Harley at Tacitus… this bit from a letter that Bob Jones sent Babs’ boy on the occasion of his righteous and moral re-ascendancy to the throne and/or the presidency of the United States:

equivocate. Put your agenda on the front burner and let it boil. You
owe the liberals nothing. They despise you because they despise your
Christ. Honor the Lord, and He will honor you.

your opponent won, I would have still given thanks, because the Bible
says I must (I Thessalonians 5:18). It would have been hard, but
because the Lord lifts up whom He will and pulls down whom He will, I
would have done it. It is easy to rejoice today, because Christ has
allowed you to be His servant in this nation for another presidential
term. Undoubtedly, you will have opportunity to appoint many
conservative judges and exercise forceful leadership with the Congress
in passing legislation that is defined by biblical norm regarding the
family, sexuality, sanctity of life, religious freedom, freedom of
speech, and limited government. You have four years—a brief time
only—to leave an imprint for righteousness upon this nation that brings
with it the blessings of Almighty God.

I ‘m a liberal and I certainly don’t despise Jesus.  And I guess I have a lot better reasons to despise George W. Bush than his choice of religion.  These people are engaged in a struggle to the death and they don’t fear death because they have a sense of a golden land in the world beyond.  In other words, they’re nut cases not much different than the Islamic fundamentalists with dynamite strapped to their chests.

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11th November 2004

Wu-Tang Clan OMG WTF?

Thanks to Jeffrey Rowland for his "What Vapid Activity are You?" cartoon.


You’re Raekwon, the Chef. You’re kind of
long-winded when you give thanks in the liner
notes, but it’s all good.

Which member of the Wu-Tang Clan are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

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