12th November 2005

You got Stu’ed…

On November 2, Stu Savory posted an interesting interview with a bushwhacker, Luke de Selm.  Luke blogs at Apathetic Nation.

Stu’s interview with Luke turns up opinions like,

President Bush, in his 5 year tenure in the White
House, has shown himself to be self-centered,
arrogant, spiteful, ignorant, a liar and a fool. In
his initial Presidential Campaign, he made statements
like "America is not in the nation-building business"
and "As President, I will be a uniter, not a divider."
He lied.

In an interesting twist, this turns into a two way interview, for on November 7 at Apathetic Nation, Luke interviews Stu, who offers these observations, among others:

The Bush administration went
to war based on (WMD) lies. It started and continues to wage an illegal
war of aggression in Iraq. It condones, justifies and regularly uses torture,
which went out in the dark ages. It jails people without trial, refuses them
lawyers and disregards the Geneva convention daily.

Your country is drifting into neo-fascism under the Bush junta.
Esquivalience in the Oval Office.

Thanks to Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rice, the US is now the world’s nukulah
bully :-(

Trigger-happy warmonger cowboys want to use fougade nukes preemptively;
that scares me and many others too.

Christian fundamentalists come daily closer to running the US as
an ordurous theocracy. Dubya suppresses science which doesn’t fit his
religious beliefs. Birth control and abortion (women’s rights) are
being suppressed. Neofascism and stratocracy are rife.

Corporatism, the ugly face of capitalism, is rife too; and the little
guys are losing out all the time, as hurricane Katrina so ably showed us.

We Europeans are outraged by this. My blog is inter alia my way of
expressing this outrage, hence am I a Bushwhacker™.

posted in Friends | 2 Comments

4th October 2005

Hey? Where’s my friend?

RB takes a Jay Oh Bee and the next thing you know he’s too busy to listen to me whistling neurotic down his telephone line like Cap’n Crunch or Kevin Noodnik.  I think I’ll spam him with paranoid email.

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22nd September 2005

Looks Good in a Suit…

Hire this man.  He excels interpersonally.  He is a multi-talented, multi-lingual tech expert with a diverse skill set that includes marketing, planning, analysis, and playground construction.  Plus!  He looks good in a suit!  Ask yourself:  WWWD?


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22nd September 2005


As Weinberger Day morphs into Weinberger Week, Marek asks, "What Would Weinberger Do?"  To which I can only add "WWW indeed!"  Oh, and I can also add the link to The Clash…

…the questions burns: Should I stay or should I go… ? and WWWD? I am on a flight from Amsterdam arriving in Houston at 6pm Friday night, just hours before Rita hits. I am contemplating changing my flight. I called Continental, the wait time to speak with a customer representative is 220 minutes. A Call from Germany lasting 220 minutes will buy me an extra ticket to Costa Rica I think so in this situation WWWD?

Marek J

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17th September 2005

Margaret Lalor RIP

Margaret died today.  I think she was 95.  She was born and lived all her life on the farm down the road from us, Lalor Road, named after her grandfather William A. Lalor, an Irish immigrant who had a land grant signed by President Polk in the 1840’s.  Margaret was a spinster school teacher.  She was instrumental in getting our town’s land use plan adopted in the early 70’s.  She contributed to local candidates who she felt would do good work.  She was a poll worker, and every election day she was there greeting us and handing us our ballots.  She left her farm several months ago for nursing care and she died in hospice today.  Margaret Lalor of Lalor Road in the Town of Dunn, Dane County Wisconsin.  Many many people will miss her.

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12th September 2005

Fragmentation Charade

My good friend, mentor and — yes — spiritual guide, Chris Locke rants on about something or other today at Kung Pao New World Order and Bananas dot Com. Friday afternoon I was moored in the parking lot outside the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston when it hit me that if I could get everyone in China to send me a nickel I would no longer have to worry about feathering our nest to avoid a bleak and impoverished senescence. Thinking like that, words greater than one syllable, money making schemes, fear of the future… naturally I was moved to call Chris, the one person I know who can always talk me down, no matter what they’ve laced the county kibble with today.

"I’m doomed," I said. "What would you prescribe?"

"Eleemosynary my dear Watson," he replied. "See if you can get them to hang a bag of high fructose Atavan solution and a second bag of normal saline spiked with a little of the Captain Morgan’s — salty dog we used to call it — strap on the nitrous mask and ride it out."

"I’ll do that," I said, plugged in the ear buds, cranked up the volume, and tried to dial 911 from the laptop.

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2nd September 2005

Mandarin Meg Donation Graphic

Michelle provides the code to place a link on your blog prompting for contributions to the charity of your choice supporting hurricane relief.  See mine under the calendar here in the right side bar.  Thanks Michelle!

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20th August 2005

Drop a Buck in the Cup

Go over to Rageboy’s "Mystic Bourgeoisie."  Follow the link to Steven Weinberg’s essay.  Learn more than you need to know about the origin of the universe and what-not.  Then, express your gratitude for enlightenment by clicking on his paypal link and giving generously.

What we’re looking for here is a broad base of community support.  Please stop him before he spams again!

[Update…  too late!  I had barely hit the "save" button when the link to the Weinberg essay and RB’s critical assessment of Ralfualdo was buried in a better bed of butter as one might say.  The post was pushed down by this one, which I will now read and pay for the privilege.  You should too.  really.  The world will be a better place and the the whole softcore witchy thing is good for an aging prostate.]

posted in Arts and Literature, Blogging Community News, Friends, Philosophistry and Stuff | 0 Comments

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