Seth Godin is certainly a marketing phenomenon, and Squidoo - the product he has in Beta - certainly captures the crux of Web 2.0, but if you had a choice, would you rather play with your own Legos or play with the Lego replica of the Hubble telescope that the smart kid from down the block brought to show and tell one day?
Serious question…
On a lighter note, we did a round trip on the Staten Island Ferry. Best free ferry boat ride I’ve ever had. Beats the Merrimac Ferry hands down, the only other free ferry boat ride I’ve ever had.
Just got back from a handshake and a few pleasant words with Tony and Marc down at Lolita’s south of Delancey. For the clickists among you, I refer you to the comments on my earlier post.
Sam Pepys used to sometimes end his blog posts with "and so to bed." Me too.
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Chris Locke - the one and only! and and Bill Schreinr of AOL
Originally uploaded by Esthr.
Photo by Sther, I mean Esthr, I mean… let’s use all the vowels, okay?
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posted in Blogging Community News |
My sense of collegiality with those of similar sensibilities coupled
with the voice I find in producing this collage have acted as a great
anodyne for megrims, funks and other assorted black dogs of a chemical,
tempermental and/or situational variety.
- Mark Woods, Master of Gluation and Scissorology, October 2025
There are many people with whom I feel a communal bond cemented by our common interest in networked electronic media. Mark Woods is near the center of that circle. When Mark links to this space, I feel affirmed. A link from him tells me that I have shared something worth sharing and perhaps added a critical insight to our common burden of those. And every day Mark posts material worth reading, viewing, enjoying, linking. There is always something to be learned by visiting wood s lot.
Happy birthday to the "s lot."
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"Going down." An elevator line if I ever heard one. "Going down?" "Thanks, but I think I’ll wait for the next one." I like elevator lobby chimes that resonate. The electronic pings and peeps and chirps and beeps of latter day Otis architecture plainly lack the soul of a good old announcing it’s arrival like a vertical train in shaft nine "BONGGG." Remember the good old days of Cuban repatriation via 727 and DB Cooper? How many jokes about "hijacking this elevator" were made by how many wise-crackers about that?
Typepad went down this morning and nobody got off.
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Dave Winer has posted at Scripting News in a sidebar, a TechCrunch directory. I noticed this wonderful resource yesterday so I’m guessing it hasn’t been up for more than a few days.
TechCrunch is a weblog dedicated to obsessively profiling and reviewing
every newly launched web 2.0 business, product and service.
posted in Bidness, Blogging Community News, Blogging and Flogging- the Zeitgeist of Social Software, Tools and Technology, Gadgets and Gizmos |
Reports of the disappearance of the Weinberger goatee have left many of us bereft. Here, posing for a Finnish postage stamp, David models his gone goatee.
I wonder what he’s thinking about while the artist is asking him to hold still… maybe a decision on Gaping Void business cards… hmmm, this one, do you suppose, or perhaps that one?
I know that several people have suggested that I get a few boxes of these… meanies.
I can tell you that I was just over at Joi Ito’s blog and I had met five out of six people on the faceroll, and the sixth was Hugh MacLeod.
You suck up you move up, that’s my motto. So, David, I did love the goatee but you also look very distinguished with all those pieces of tissue sticking to your face and blotting up blood.
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I have an (old) new blog called listics. Listics is one of those good intentions waiting for my attention. Today I have an acre of correspondence to complete, and an orchard of heat stressed trees to water. The Arbor Day Foundation sent a questionnaire about our hazlenut project that pressed the guilt button there. I don’t think they’re dead yet, but you know global warming. The Bush family and friends are doing their best to kill them and the other trees we planted this year. But I digress…
I want listics (aka Sandhill 3.0) to be a professional webpub effort. I will contribute the vision and the voice, but I will need to borrow (steal) heavily from others to create a design and a format with legs.
Who should I rip off? I was thinking of Dan Gillmor.
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