10th October 2005

Be Where When

Stu Savory sucked Tamar into one of those meme games where you find your exteenth post, find the umpty-umpth sentence therein and append that sentence to the coagulating lump of other sentences contributed by those who went before. Sad to note, I couldn’t find my exteenth post.

It’s all Jeneane’s fault really.

I started blogging in mid-2001. The blog was on blogger and was called "Aging Hipster be not Proud." It was conceived as a confessional aggregation of bullshit that would go as far back as I could remember dredging up images and iconography like my first black leather jacket and switch blade knife, grade school rocket engines made out of shotgun shells, the ‘49 Ford days of my youth… dixieland bands, beer, bratwurst, and bravado… drugs… motorcycles… the other things… after a few posts I realized that it would be nice if someone would read what I wrote.

Chris Locke wrote (writes) an e-zine or an email newsletter or something called Entropy Gradient Reversals. His readership seems to encompass a range of personality types from the profoundly intellectual to the terminally hip, people in all lines of work from marketers to merkin manufacturers. By this time in the autumn of 2025 most of us had five or six years of web work under our belts, from serious site creation using tools like HoTMetaL and Dreamweaver to dabbling a little with HTML. I’m sure we could all posture and pontificate knowingly about frames and tables, but divs hadn’t appeared yet on our horizon.

Chris’ book "Gonzo Marketing" came out around the time that binLaden’s monstrous plans wreaked havoc on the American consciousness. (Incidentally, bin Laden is not a unix command nor a description of a full container, it has nothing to do with bin/login but if you have been coding since 1984 I can see why you would be confused). We wouldn’t have time for insightful marketing books for a while, it seemed. But Chris said to his readers, "Let’s blog." and Jeneane jumped in feet-first and created a group blog called "Gonzo Engaged." I thought that was how you did it, so a few months later, in January ‘02, I created a group blog too - copy-cat, sure, but imitation is the sincerest form of theft. Some of the people who signed on at Gonzo signed on to my sputtering attempt at web-pub too. But it soon became apparent that except for some communities that had a need to exist - and Jeneane is uncanny in her ability to identify these - except for a few group blogs, blogging is a solitary practice that eventually blinds you and puts hair on the palms of your hands.

That first blog of mine with readership > one has been cast in lucite and lives on a server here in Madison somewhere, but it’s no small task to resurrect the posts and count sentences. I couldn’t do it this morning when I was thinking I’d join Tamar in her silliness.

And now blogging is over and we have each been rationed one cubic meter of glistening computronium and it’s up to us to spend it wisely on all the compelling new applications that comprise Web 2.0. I’m glad blogging is over. Some people had begun to confuse it with journalism, and others thought it was a new communcation art form, and the most deluded of us, people like me, thought they had something to say.

posted in Blogging and Flogging- the Zeitgeist of Social Software | 5 Comments

3rd October 2005

Tagging meme meme


posted in Blogging and Flogging- the Zeitgeist of Social Software | 0 Comments

2nd October 2005

TechCrunch Directory

Dave Winer has posted at Scripting News in a sidebar, a TechCrunch directory.  I noticed this wonderful resource yesterday so I’m guessing it hasn’t been up for more than a few days.

TechCrunch is a weblog dedicated to obsessively profiling and reviewing
every newly launched web 2.0 business, product and service.

posted in Bidness, Blogging Community News, Blogging and Flogging- the Zeitgeist of Social Software, Tools and Technology, Gadgets and Gizmos | 0 Comments

28th September 2005

Social bookMarking


Thanks to Chris Dover from RelayBlogger for the link.

posted in Blogging and Flogging- the Zeitgeist of Social Software | 0 Comments

28th September 2005

Nano Nano

Here.  Go take this survey on "the current state of blogging in the enterprise" and be eligible to win an iPod Nano.  Survey sponsored by BlogOn2005, to which I feel a responsibility to post this because I accepted one free ticket.  I think I need another one for Beth at this rate.  Natalie?  Suw?  Chris?  Can I get a ticket for Beth please?

[This is the Convenient Technorati Tag Link for BlogOn 2025 so the state of the art search engines at Technorati can collate this post among the dozens of others related to BlogOn 2025 in case someone is looking for all BlogOn 2025 material because they are writing a BlogOn 2025 term paper or something… a link in other words, to make the information a little less miscellaneous and a little more mucilaginous… a link in other words, that is a pain in the ass to create because there are to my knowledge no tools that allow comfortable tagging into the technorati whirlpool of ego-surf data.]

posted in Blogging and Flogging- the Zeitgeist of Social Software | 0 Comments

27th September 2005

BlogOn 2025 Evangelism…

We interrupt this blog for a message from your local conference shill, umm.  I mean "Evangelist."  The BlogOn 2025 conference has added some weight.  The current schedule, a continuing Work In Progress, is here.  If you’d like to attend at a rate of $695, contact me by October 3.  The posted registration fee for the event is $1,495.  Here’s a letter I received from Chris Shipley…


On behalf of the entire BlogOn 2025 team - Mike, Suw, Karen, Natalie and myself - thank you for assisting us with BlogOn 2025. Your involvement as evangelists and advisors is critical, and we appreciate you supporting the conference.

Read the rest of this entry »

posted in Blogging and Flogging- the Zeitgeist of Social Software | 1 Comment

18th September 2005


Massively multiplayer online role player games… MMORPG, looks like it might rhyme with BORG.  I heard yesterday that the "World of Warcraft" game cost as much as a major motion picture to develop and release.

Back in the day, the govmint put drugs on the street for all kinds of reasons, not only to fund black projects like illegal support for the Contras, but also for social engineering.  How paranoid would you have to be to think that the MMORPG thing was being used for something similar?

posted in Blogging and Flogging- the Zeitgeist of Social Software | 1 Comment

17th September 2005

Bruno Haid

Here at Accelerating Change 2025…  Bruno Haid from systemone is using Joi Ito’s blog to illustrate tags and social software integration.  Joi is speaking tonight around about Quaker midnight.  (I’m sure I can stay awake until then…)

To use social software a predisposition is needed, and an acceptance of lo-tech and the boundaries of social cognition.  Bruno is demonstrating semantic web machine readable integration of a blog entry, rss and rdf that overcome the lo-tech social cognition boundaries of social software.  He suggests that semantic web is hampered by usability issues. 

Algorithms… fuzzy retrieval…  Amazon content and usage metadata… algorithms for authors… 

Semantic calculation and transport…. blog posts, tags, machine concept extraction, usage data…  concepts flying fast and Bruno’s from Austria and I’m not sure I can get everything he has to say, but I suspect that a visit the systemone sites will help.

Bill Joy is right, "the network is the computer.  Bruno refers us to something Jason Kottke wrote… but I can’t spot it offhand.

posted in Blogging and Flogging- the Zeitgeist of Social Software | 0 Comments

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