A pro would do this kind of testing in a sandbox and never reveal the chopping going on behind the curtain. I’m no pro! So here it is, a test post on the blog that might be cross posted to Listics page on Facebook. If this works. Whatever this is. And oddly, if this really really works, then comments on Facebook will post to the blog. Wouldn’t that be just dandy! (And maybe blog comments will post to facebook?) Gee whiz… let’s throw in a picture just for grinz
Posted in Miscellaneous
Well, there seems to be a spacing problem on the front page of this blog…. the weasel’s pic got overlaid with the other weasel’s pic.
I’ve liked my own post and comment here not because of any narcissistic personality disorder 9of course we all say that) but rather in order to just keep testing stuff.
Well, this seems to be working better than I hoped!