In Support of a Public Health Insurance Option

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  • “A public option is a fundamental part of ensuring health care reform brings about real change. Opposing the public plan is an endorsement of the status quo in this country that has left tens of millions of Americans uninsured or underinsured and put massive burdens on employers. I have heard too many horror stories from my constituents about how the so-called competitive marketplace has denied them coverage from the outset, offered a benefit plan that covers everything but what they need or failed them some other way. A strong public option would ensure competition in the industry to provide the best, most affordable insurance for Americans and bring down the skyrocketing health care costs that are the biggest contributor to our long-term budget deficits. I am not interested in passing health care reform in name only. Without a public option, I don’t see how we will bring real change to a system that has made good health care a privilege for those who can afford it.”
    — Senator Russ Feingold, Democrat from Wisconsin

    Posted in Class Warfare, Government, Medical Advice, Public Services
    One comment on “In Support of a Public Health Insurance Option
    1. Betty Jo says:

      IMO an Employer Based Healthcare system is fundamentally flawed as it contributes to making our economy less competitive in world markets, and completely ignores all the

      millions of folks who are self employed or part time employed, or unemployed, or retired before 65. I’ll be SO disappointed if Obama’s healthcare reform doesn’t include a public option, for that tiny step toward universal coverage is the least we can do.

      I’m so troubled by the demagoguery used by opponents of healthcare reform. There seems to now be no limits on duplicity in what ought be reasoned debate as the far right wing has, it seems, decided that if they can’t object reasonably, they will simply shout down their opponents. I thought we’d heard the last of Harry and Louise, and here we have even worse.



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