AKMA observes that Dorothea Salo is hanging it up at Caveat Lector. Regarding her decision she says,
What’s next? I don’t know. Some things are right out; I’m not going to go pseudonymous and pop up in another corner, for example, because I just don’t roll that way, never mind that my writing style and subject matter are distinctive enough that I’d be outed in no time flat. I’m not taking all my Internet toys and going home—as childish as I can be, I’m not that childish. I might start another blog, or even more than one, but if I do, it’ll be for a different reason than old CavLec, and have much narrower parameters.
Meanwhile, Dorothea has–available for rummaging–great archives organized by topic and by date linked from the Caveat Lector sidebar.
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fpaynter at 2025-06-28T04:13:48Z: http://listics.com/?p=4855 Caveat Lector going dark after seven year run