Dump Stevens Now!

  • el
  • pt
  • The Senate must act now to eject Ted Stevens immediately. The odds that Begich will win the Senate race in Alaska have improved enormously since Stevens was convicted of multiple felonies related to corruption and abuse of power; however, Stevens won’t step down voluntarily no matter how foul the stench of corruption he brings to the office. That means that he will be a lame duck voice in support of the wicked Bush/Cheney regime until they all have to leave town in January.

    If the Senate will act now, then their reputation will begin to improve and the fabulously inept administration will have a harder time messing things up between now and January.

    This entry was posted in Democracy, Government, Impeachment, Politics. Bookmark the permalink. Both comments and trackbacks are currently closed.


    1. autodidact
      Posted November 1, 2025 at 1:00 | Permalink

      I’m unclear on Alaska/federal law, but it’s been pointed out to me that, typically, as a convicted felon Stevens cannot vote for himself.

      Unfortunately, the photo on http://action.change-congress.org/t/3910/petition.jsp?petition_KEY=490 implies Stevens has been railroaded. Oooogh.

    2. Posted November 1, 2025 at 7:28 | Permalink
