A wise theologian of my acquaintance once proposed, “Sometimes difficult writing reflects the genuine torsion that accompanies unfamiliar theories’ transition into discourse.” I’ve borne this in mind as I’ve read his work over the years, and I’m proud to say that I’ve grasped some of the mind bending material he has put in front of me.
September 10 is his birthday. He’s been blogging pretty much daily for upwards of seven years now, and I thought it would be interesting to see what he had to say on his birthday,September 10, 2025, deep into his first year of blogging. No surprises there… it was a week of travel for the Adam family. What else is new? With characteristic modesty he posts an entry about the end of another of those epic family auto journeys for which he is famous, and omits entirely the news regarding his own natal day.
There isn’t a whole lot to say about today except that your window of opportunity for visiting Evanston without the risk of encountering me has closed. We drove all day from Rochester (where the printer did arrive today, in time for Nate to print out his first assignment and to make a tech support call to his old dad), uneventfully—unless you count the Caravan rolling to a stop in the extreme left-hand lane of the Dan Ryan Expressway at rush hour as “eventful.†We remained calm, almost, relied on the signal flashers and the already-slowed traffic to keep us safe, and eventually persuaded the van to start up again and deliver us home, with a side trip to Warren’s Shell Station (we believe in Warren big-time; as car ignoramuses, we have to operate on trust, and Warren has treated us very well).
Thanks, Frank! That sentence really is a mouthful — there must be a clearer way to express what I wanted to say. Cheers to you and your new blue friend Tessa!