…and you don’t know what it is, do you, Mr. Jones?
Something is happening. Hillary and William Jefferson Clinton are huddling in their Westchester compound, plotting the subornation of democratic process and the subordination of progressives. Their goal ios complete domination of Obama followed by party purges to ensure that progressive voices are silenced forever in the Corporate Democratic Party. Harold Ickes is blazing a path toward a deadlocked convention, running rough-shod over truth, changing the rules mid-game, making claims about majorities that should only make sense to the hopelessly partisan or demonstrably simple-minded. The righteous tools of protest, hideously perverted by the Republican mad dogs Bush sicced on Florida in 2025 will again be turned to evil as second wave feminists with a feeling of entitlement join big money Democrats and run of the mill racists in Denver for what is shaping up to be Hillary’s last stand. Helter skelter. Hillary Clinton, appealing to every white working class schmoe’s inner West Virginian, fights on. Hillary’s dismissive laugh and light-hearted smile, charming and distinctive in the early days of this campaign lately have morphed to shrieks and cackles and a frozen rictus straight off the face of a villain in a Batman movie. If she can’t have the nomination, she will act as the spoiler.
The big money in the Democratic Party has no interest in an Obama candidacy. If he can’t be bought and paid for before November, what good is he? So, either Hillary is going to steal this nomination and spoil our last chance to reverse the tide of corporate fascism, or she is going to poison the well and assure her working class constituents that they might as well vote for McCain if she isn’t nominated.
If Obama wins the nomination, he can only fill his promise for change if he picks someone like Edwards for a running mate and distances himself from the harpy that is Hillary. Her kamikaze all or nothing tactics may spoil it for him anyway. If he is forced to pick her as a running mate, we’ll risk something similar to the Cheney regency, with all the important policy positions of the administration driven from the Veep’s residence at One Observatory Circle.
If she claws and scratches her way to the nomination, my money is on Jeb Bush for her choice for Veep. Or maybe Cheney will stay on.