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  • …and you don’t know what it is, do you, Mr. Jones?

2nd June 2008

…and you don’t know what it is, do you, Mr. Jones?

Something is happening. Hillary and William Jefferson Clinton are huddling in their Westchester compound, plotting the subornation of democratic process and the subordination of progressives. Their goal ios complete domination of Obama followed by party purges to ensure that progressive voices are silenced forever in the Corporate Democratic Party. Harold Ickes is blazing a path toward a deadlocked convention, running rough-shod over truth, changing the rules mid-game, making claims about majorities that should only make sense to the hopelessly partisan or demonstrably simple-minded. The righteous tools of protest, hideously perverted by the Republican mad dogs Bush sicced on Florida in 2025 will again be turned to evil as second wave feminists with a feeling of entitlement join big money Democrats and run of the mill racists in Denver for what is shaping up to be Hillary’s last stand. Helter skelter. Hillary Clinton, appealing to every white working class schmoe’s inner West Virginian, fights on. Hillary’s dismissive laugh and light-hearted smile, charming and distinctive in the early days of this campaign lately have morphed to shrieks and cackles and a frozen rictus straight off the face of a villain in a Batman movie. If she can’t have the nomination, she will act as the spoiler.

The big money in the Democratic Party has no interest in an Obama candidacy. If he can’t be bought and paid for before November, what good is he? So, either Hillary is going to steal this nomination and spoil our last chance to reverse the tide of corporate fascism, or she is going to poison the well and assure her working class constituents that they might as well vote for McCain if she isn’t nominated.

If Obama wins the nomination, he can only fill his promise for change if he picks someone like Edwards for a running mate and distances himself from the harpy that is Hillary. Her kamikaze all or nothing tactics may spoil it for him anyway. If he is forced to pick her as a running mate, we’ll risk something similar to the Cheney regency, with all the important policy positions of the administration driven from the Veep’s residence at One Observatory Circle.

If she claws and scratches her way to the nomination, my money is on Jeb Bush for her choice for Veep. Or maybe Cheney will stay on.

This entry was posted on Monday, June 2nd, 2025 at 5:16 and is filed under Peace and Politics, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 19 responses to “…and you don’t know what it is, do you, Mr. Jones?”

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  1. 1 On June 2nd, 2025, Beth said:

    Sexist, sexist, sexist. Vicious, vicious, vicious. Goes along with the contemptuous use of “self-righteous feminist old-girls network” that I heard on the radio this morning. Yes, she needs to do a more consideredjob of using her well-honed political skills and influence, but she isn’t a harpy and her smile is no more a rictus than Obama’s or any other politician’s is after six or seven deadly months of non-stop campaigning. Yup, women’s voices often go toward shrill when they’ve been using them constantly for that long, but so what? It’s true she isn’t a man, but so what?

  2. 2 On June 2nd, 2025, Beth said:

    Okay, so this post caught me in a grumpy mood, but, jeez, it was so Mark Morford. Let’s stick to legitimate critcism of her actions, of which there can be a whole bunch. It breaks my heart, as a member of the first-wave feminists (well, sort of, I wasn’t a suffragette), to see Hillary Clinton doing such politically ugly things. She worked so hard and so long to be the first woman presidential candidate and then got blindsided by the first black male candidate. It’s enough to make a grown liberal weep. And not only is he a black male, he’s a YOUNGER black male, kind of like the age her husband was when he was elected. It’s got be a bitter, bitter thing to live in her skin right now. (And yes, it’s okay to talk about first female and first black male, because that’s a big part of the difference - in some ways, maybe the biggest difference.)

  3. 3 On June 2nd, 2025, Dean Landsman said:

    There’s no e in schmo. Only an elistist would mispell it, and also insult West Virginians (cousins, siblings, granchildren, all) in the same post.

    You don’t belong to that Church in She Cargo do ya? I mean do y’all?

  4. 4 On June 2nd, 2025, Frank Paynter said:

    I get it. It’s okay for me to ponder her campaign’s playing fast and loose with the rules regarding Michigan and Florida, but comments on her use of lipstick or a discussion of her mood as reflected in her choice of shoes are just not acceptable.

    I was worried I was going to have to sleep on the couch or something.

    I hope Hillary Clinton can “suck it up” this week and concede, and then go forward to campaign just as hard for Barack Obama as she has campaigned for herself. In Obama we have a chance for an FDR when we need an FDR, not a laissez-faire quasi-progressive like Bill Clinton. We’re faced with social, economic, and environmental problems of a scale not seen since the thirties. We need a strong hand regulating the runaway corporations, taxing excess wealth for redistribution to protect the less fortunate and begin to solve some of the social problems and rebuild some of the infrastructure that the bizarre University of Chicago economists have foisted on us through their Republican proxies over the last thirty years. There is a lot of rebuilding to do if we are to get back on the path to a shared prosperity among working class and middle class, with the wealthy upper class and their corporate constructs paying a fair share through progressive taxation.

    I’m glad you thought this post was “so Mark Morford.” I toned it down from one that was “so Hunter Thompson.” And I agree that for Hillary Clinton right now struggling to become the most powerful person in the world, life must seem sort of unfair. If this struggle goes all the way to the convention, then fine, so be it. It will be a good lesson in democracy for all of us. I just hope that the party is ready to distinguish themselves from the Republicans. One of the criticisms we hear over and over is that there is no difference between the Republicans and the Democrats. I hope we have a chance to show them what good can be done by genuine tax and spend liberals.

    Returning to a clear separation of church and state would be a nice thing too.

  5. 5 On June 2nd, 2025, Frank Paynter said:

    Dean, I refer you to the Wikipedia for the preferred spelling of “Schmoe.” I would refer you to the dictionary, but they spell it wrong like you do.

  6. 6 On June 2nd, 2025, Shelley said:

    Obama is not the saint you make him, nor is Clinton the devil. Both would be far better than McCain, as long as we remember what’s important. As happens when men and women compete, all of a sudden the woman is a shrill bitch, while the guy damn near walks on water.

    Frankly, I agree with Beth. How much of the criticism of Clinton is because of her actions? And how much because of her sex.

  7. 7 On June 2nd, 2025, Frank Paynter said:

    Obama has taken the high road because as a serious black contender for the nomination, he must. Clinton is slugging it out, trying to come from behind, attempting to erase the mediated defeat from the minds of constituents and willing to take this to the convention if necessary. As an Obama supporter (because I think he represents our next best hope in a way that Clinton can’t) I take liberties with my criticism of the competition. I’ll vote for her if she’s nominated. I hope her adherents will vote for Obama if he’s nominated.

    But as far as her campaign’s performance this week, picking up the Michigan and Florida voters and adding them to the count of her popular vote, when from a party perspective those elections didn’t count… I’m offended enough to go all ad hominem on her. Frequent readers of this space will know that I am an equal opportunity ad hominem arguer.

  8. 8 On June 2nd, 2025, Beth said:

    As an equal opportunity kind of guy, in this case (get it?) you should be saying “ad feminam”…

  9. 9 On June 2nd, 2025, Beth said:

    Oh, I get it, it’s accusative!!!

  10. 10 On June 2nd, 2025, alan herrell - the head lemur said:

    It was Shirley Chisholm in 72, who was the first Female Dem Prez Candidate.

    The Dems rules committee’s debacle of the Florida and Michigan delegate mess, which pointed out the micro management the Party is still attempting to ride. That horse is not only out of the barn but has died. Don’t get me started on the Super Delegate “New Math”!

    Hillary’s hubris was in the mistaken assumption that the people who register and vote Democrat, are card carrying, line toeing, Cylons. It may have worked for Bill, but backroom ‘machine’ politics died with the rise of the Internet.

    Hillary should have divorced Bill right after the white house blowjob episodes, and moved on. She would have picked up the Christian Vote, the Sympathy Vote, the Unwed Mother Vote, and the I Am Woman Hear Me Roar Vote. (one could make a case for ‘if she can’t take of her man, how will she take care of the country?, but that would probably be petty and small minded)

    Voting by vagina or melanin count is probably one of the greatest gifts you can give to the Republicans. The name may have changed, but he is the same candidate they have been running for 20 years.

    An Obama/Clinton ticket will guarantee 4 more years of Republican Rule. She is not a compromiser, and he doesn’t have to be.

  11. 11 On June 3rd, 2025, madame l said:

    Whoa. This calls for the use of capitol/capital letters.

    Ain’t I a feminist? Yes I am. But being a feminist, be it first wave, permanent wave -( you can leave me out of the “I can act like a whore feminists” like Xeni Jardin etc.)- means I can criticise any human based on the content of their character, not on the order of their chromosomes.

    She is Not a Democrat IMO. She is far more Thatcher than S.Royal. At least Royal, however gauche caviar Socialist she may be, aligned herself with strong women politicians in other countries. She wasn’t perfect, but she was a far better politician and human than H.R.Clinton.

    I do not believe Hillary Clinton respects any other women in this way. I do not believe Hillary Clinton period. Any woman who would stay with a man who is fucking someone in her own house and then lies about it - loses my respect. How would I justify That to my daughters?

    Hillary Clinton is simply not the best PERSON for the job. She may as well be a Republican as far as I’m concerned.

    “Victoria C. Woodhull was the first woman to run for president in the United States. She was selected by the Equal Rights Party to be its candidate in the 1872 election.

    The Equal Rights Party platform supported women’s right to vote and work, among other issues, but Woodhull was soundly defeated in the election by Ulysses S. Grant.”

    Wake up American Feminists. There is a whole world out there. Amerifeminism leaves a lot to be desired.

    Sirimavo Bandaranaike, Sri Lanka
    Prime Minister, 1960-1965, 1970-1977, 1994-2000.

    Indira Gandhi, India
    Prime Minister, 1966-77, 1980-1984.

    Golda Meir, Israel
    Prime Minister, 1969-1974.

    Isabel Peron, Argentina
    President, 1974-1976

    Elisabeth Domitien, Central African Republic
    Prime Minister, 1975-1976

    Margaret Thatcher, Great Britain
    Prime Minister, 1979-1990.

    Maria da Lourdes Pintasilgo, Portugal
    Prime Minister, 1979-1980.

    Lidia Gueiler Tejada, Bolivia
    Prime Minister, 1979-1980.

    Dame Eugenia Charles, Dominica
    Prime Minister, 1980-1995.

    Vigdís Finnbogadóttír, Iceland
    President, 1980-96.

    Gro Harlem Brundtland, Norway
    Prime Minister, 1981, 1986-1989, 1990-1996.

    Soong Ching-Ling, Peoples’ Republic of China
    Honorary President, 1981.

    Milka Planinc, Yugoslavia
    Federal Prime Minister, 1982-1986.

    Agatha Barbara, Malta
    President, 1982-1987.

    Maria Liberia-Peters, Netherlands Antilles
    Prime Minister, 1984-1986, 1988-1993.

    Corazon Aquino, Philippines
    President, 1986-92.

    Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan
    Prime Minister, 1988-1990, 1993-1996.

    Kazimiera Danuta Prunskiena, Lithuania
    Prime Minister, 1990-91.

    Violeta Barrios de Chamorro, Nicaragua
    Prime Minister, 1990-1996.

    Mary Robinson, Ireland
    President, 1990-1997.

    Ertha Pascal Trouillot, Haiti
    Interim President, 1990-1991.

    Sabine Bergmann-Pohl, German Democratic Republic
    President, 1990.

    Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar (Burma)
    Her party won 80% of the seats in a democratic election in 1990, but the military government refused to recognize the results. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991.

    Khaleda Zia, Bangladesh
    Prime Minister, 1991-1996.

    Edith Cresson, France
    Prime Minister, 1991-1992.

    Hanna Suchocka, Poland
    Prime Minister, 1992-1993.

    Kim Campbell, Canada
    Prime Minister, 1993.

    Sylvie Kinigi, Burundi
    Prime Minister, 1993-1994.

    Agathe Uwilingiyimana, Rwanda
    Prime Minister, 1993-1994.

    Susanne Camelia-Romer, Netherlands Antilles
    Prime Minister, 1993, 1998-

    Tansu Çiller, Turkey
    Prime Minister, 1993-1995.

    Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunge, Sri Lanka
    Prime Minister, 1994, President, 1994-

    Reneta Indzhova, Bulgaria
    Interim Prime Minister, 1994-1995.

    Claudette Werleigh, Haiti
    Prime Minister, 1995-1996.

    Sheikh Hasina Wajed, Bangladesh
    Prime Minister, 1996-.

    Mary McAleese, Ireland
    President, 1997-.

    Pamela Gordon, Bermuda
    Premier, 1997-1998.

    Janet Jagan, Guyana
    Prime Minister, 1997, President, 1997-1999.

    Jenny Shipley, New Zealand
    Prime Minister, 1997-1999.

    Ruth Dreifuss, Switzerland
    President, 1999-2000.

    Jennifer Smith, Bermuda
    Prime Minister, 1998-.

    Nyam-Osoriyn Tuyaa, Mongolia
    Acting Prime Minister, July 1999.

    Helen Clark, New Zealand
    Prime Minister, 1999-.

    Mireya Elisa Moscoso de Arias, Panama
    President, 1999-.

    Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Latvia
    President, 1999-.

    Tarja Kaarina Halonen, Finland
    President, 2025-.

    Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, president of the Philippines - 2025

    Mame Madior Boye, prime minister of Senegal - 2025

    Megawati Sukarnoputri, president of Indonesia - 2025

    Maria das Neves, Prime Minster of Sao Tome and Principe - 2025

    Beatriz Merino, prime minister of Peru - 2025

    Luisa Diogo, prime minister of Mozambique - 2025

    Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany - 2025

    Yulia Tymoshenko, prime minister of Ukraine - 2025

    Michelle Bachelet, president of Chile - 2025

    Micheline Calmy-Rey, president of Switzerland - 2025

    Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, president of Liberia - 2025

    Han Myung-sook, prime minister of South Korea - 2025

    Portia Simpson Miller, prime minister of Jamaica - 2025

    Pratibha Devisingh Patil, president of India - 2025

    Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, president of Argentina

    The problem here, as I see it, is not a feminist matter. Americonsumer Politics is a huge sham that everyone buys into. A supposed two party system where Socialism is still a dirty word and one dollar equals one vote. Full stop. The craziness has gotten so bad that bills like The Patriot Act get passed without so much as a WTF? and scary WWII German-like amendments are added while neither the press nor We The People take any notice at all. America has become a disgusting Plutocracy. The issue of a woman candidate is way down on the list of problems as far as this human is concerned.

    I refuse to vote for a woman just because she’s a woman. That’s insane. That, my friends, is sexist!

  12. 12 On June 3rd, 2025, Charles Follymacher said:

    Right on, Frank. And there are at least a couple solid high-ranking female democrats Obama can choose for his running mate who display none of hilliery’s nastiest instincts.

    identity politics is a bitch, yo. to me, if you sanely consider which candidate best represents (overall) democratic ideals, with enough pragmatic instincts to move your teetering country in the right direction, inspire the lion’s share of hopeful americans while still having an excellent chance of being elected, the choice should be clear, if (supposebly) close.

    Fuckem if they can’t take a truth, Frank. The ladies don’t want punches pulled on their account anymore, remember.

  13. 13 On June 3rd, 2025, madame l said:

    “Fuckem if they can’t take a truth, Frank. The ladies don’t want punches pulled on their account anymore, remember.”


    Go listen to some more talk radio, or hog hunting with some of your bowling pals from the lodge, or download some more barely legal pr0n. Just go. Back to the cave where some member of the Leakey clan will eventually unearth you.

    Your “us and them” attitude disgusts me. You Are part of the problem. “Supposebly”. I can only imagine what you say in private.

    Anyway, as Frank Zappa said, politics is merely “the entertainment branch of industry.” American Idle. We may as well have those three geniuses decide.

  14. 14 On June 3rd, 2025, Charles Follymacher said:

    Heh! Yes madam, after much reflection I see that your ‘us an nem’ attitude is much superior to mines. You win.

    btw, fwiw, your comment @ #11 — which was not there when i posted my first comment (akismetized?) — i fully co-sign

  15. 15 On June 3rd, 2025, madame l said:

    Listen. I don’t think in terms of Winners and Losers. That’s a mug’s game. The language You use, your very thinking, is Based on this archaic Either/Or premise. Black/White. Right/Wrong. Male/Female.

    And Beth and Shelley? Do they exist, or is it ok for you to just say “Fuckem if they can’t take a truth, Frank. The ladies don’t want punches pulled on their account anymore, remember.” and pass it off as humour? Your sexism is embedded in the language you use, whether you realise it or not.

  16. 16 On June 3rd, 2025, Frank Paynter said:

    In the “both/and” department, Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius continues to be mentioned as a potential Obama running mate. Sebelius reflects many of my own opinions and values. She’s pro-choice and anti concealed-carry, for example. She’s about the same age as Senator Clinton and she carries none of the baggage attendant on being the spouse of former President Clinton.

    The White House Project was hoping to influence her to run for the Presidential nomination, but with Senator Clinton in the race Sebelius would have been (I think) just another also-ran.

  17. 17 On June 3rd, 2025, Charles Follymacher said:

    Pahdon me, madam, but what do you mean you don’t think in terms of winners and losers? There is a pretty big deal contest afoot, have you heard of it? One will win, the other, not so much. The long list of lady-bosses you mentioned before all had to WIN their respective contests, too. There is always a “them” of some kind or another, them’s the facts and them’s the terms the other ladies recognized, accepted and jousted under on the tilted fields. an won anyway. So pahdon my density if i don’t get your exact meaning here, but you’ll have to explain yourself, loosey.

    It is YOUR assumption that I’m arguing in terms of black/white, male/female. That’s your extrapolation from a few snippets of tersesnark. For the record, you can put me firmly in the i’m-cool-with-a-woman-prez-just-not-THAT-woman camp. Sebelius, from all I’ve read/heard, is exactly the kind of woman I’d root for. I just don’t LIKE hilliery clinton and it doesn’t have anything to do with her sex (see co-signed argument above).

    When Shelley pops in to bleat about how Obama’s not a saint…wtf?! What the fuck does that have to do with what Frank had to say? The He’s-Not-A-Saint bullshit is something you can say about Bush, too, remember? Or any other humanish being, for that matter. The question is who has the best mindset and character to best pull off what the Yankees actually need for their country.

    No apologies to Zappa (wtf, Frank Zappa quotes?! lawd. yeah, yeah, i’ll get up off his lawn in a minute): Clinton is waaay closer to the same old bullshit politricks than Obama. Your words suggest it doesn’t matter who wins the pageant, that there’s no difference in these candidates, that Gore’s Iraq war would’ve been the same as W’s. I guess that’s your priveleged opinion since you don’t live in one of Zarkozy’s primed-for-cleaning addresses. Plucky you.

    Shelley and Beth (you wanted me to name names, happy now?) don’t want any favouritism for the Skinny O based on his Geraldine-lucky skin colour, so neither should Frank start curbing his hilliery-lashing tongue on their account. You want actions? HRC and her camp have committed PLENTY of thoroughly objectionable, ad hominem inducing actions in this campaign. Am i right or just politically correct?

    p.s. fuck the schmoes who take the time to press on (supposebly) missing ‘e’s. a passel of pedantic pussies.
    p.p.s. the entertainment is in the friggin threads, but the real world don’t give a rip.

  18. 18 On June 3rd, 2025, Frank Paynter said:

    that part about “schmoe” versus “schmo” was bordering on NOT VERY NICE AT ALL, Charles.

  19. 19 On June 3rd, 2025, Charles Follymacher said:

    hmpf. i probably should’ve kept my nose out of that one, frank. how you take it depends on how gender-specific you want to make “pussy” in that context but, no doubt, the cheek was quite intentional, i was posting while huffy. apology? to be pondered…

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