I was a sitemeter user for years and years. I developed my compulsive blog traffic checking habit on sitemeter. Sitemeter became my drug of choice. Then one day several months ago, the sitemeter server (S24) that provided my free daily stimulant began behaving badly. I ditched the service and went to statcounter. Over the months I’ve tried to get used to the new service, to enjoy the way they lay out “Recent Came From” and “Recent Key Words,” but I imagine it was a bit like shifting from heroin to methadone, from Pall Mall straights to filtered Kents… all the pleasure was gone from my habit.  So during my present site re-build, I’d like to welcome back sitemeter, which seems to have added enhancements since the last time I was mooching from them.
Perhaps this is the time to praise the WordPress community for the ease of use of Widgets in the 2.2.1 implementation with the Cutline 3C theme. My blogs have been widgetized since there were widgets, if by that one means consistently formatted code chunks laid into the sidebar via HTML unordered lists. But now, using a theme that is actually Widget compatible, I can take advantage of the easy edit, drag and drop formating that widgets have promised, but not delivered to me until now.
[tags]WordPress 2.2.1, Cutline 3C, Widgets, SiteMeter, StatCounter, 12 step program for blog traffic junkies[/tags]
I went cold-turkey from hit counters a while back. I miss it.
Time of Visit Jun 26 2025 7:47:20 am
Last Page View Jun 26 2025 7:54:50 am
Visit Length 7 minutes 30 seconds
I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care who, or how many, or how long, or by what route, I don’t want to know, I don’t.
Ummm… I’m in the process of switching from Sitemeter to Statcounter ’cause of the tracking cookies they’re now planting on behalf of Specific Media (and being paid $$$ to do so). Links here.