Sunday Link Giving

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  • by Frank Paynter on May 27, 2025

    Glennia Campbell — Glennia reports from Sylvia Paull’s Cybersalon.

    Cybersalon is ongoing in Tom Shugart’s neighborhood. He should drop in. This week Tom treated us to a raft of links to many of his favorite bloggers’ initial posts, a list that he lifted (with due credit) from Jeneane!

    Jeneane had a stressful week with major surgery in it. Thankfully she’s back at home and on the mend. When friends far away are ill and needful, I feel helpless. Here’s where the “healing power of prayer” comes into play. By focusing on my friend and my concern for her, my depression is diminished and I stand ready to recognize opportunities to help, even from a distance.

    Speaking of major surgery, at hüdwnked Jess linked to the complete House archives, available commercial free online (69 episodes of cynical, medical goodness). I learned about House from Norm Jenson at One Good Move who always has clips of the best of last week’s TV with an emphasis on humor and human relations. Norm is also an author at Ronni Bennett’s Elder Storytelling Place. If you’re over fifty with a penchant for prose, send Ronni a story or two.

    Last week Nick Carr caused a minor stir with his review of Everything is Miscellaneous. His look at a single trope, a facet of Weinberger’s disco ball, generated comments and spin-off posts across our little corner of blog-world. David pointed out that the single cut now rules, and the vinyl LP is dead, an evolutionary analog precursor to the current digital moment. Nick pointed out that the vinyl LP carried an inherent artistic opportunity, was designed for purposes transcending mere marketing and packaging, and took issue with the idea that the remix can be as good as the master. For me then, one of the values of the good David Weinberger’s writing is that it puts me in touch with other good people who disagree with him.

    Winston Rand continues his navel gazing this week, and

    Charles and Charles continue the War on Folly in their high style tumblr driven, info laden site. Yesterday they harshed Hersh by highlighting the New York Magazine story on his almost schizoid relationship with the literal truth.

    { 4 comments… read them below or add one }

    Tom Shugart 05.27.07 at 3:35

    I’ll skip the Salon. They meet on Sundays at dinnertime. That’s inviolate family schmooze time at this household. Sons and girlfriends come by for food, talk, and HBO on high-def. Ain’t givin’ that up for Webbie talkin’ heads–although, I must say, this latest one would have been good entertainment.

    Thanks, however, for the link to Glennia! She’s a slam dunk addition to my blog feeds.

    Winston 05.28.07 at 7:31

    Your notice of my navel is greatly appreciated, not to mention disturbing. The check is in the mail for the previously agreed amount.

    Hope y’all are having a great MemDay weekend. Hotter than the kilns of hell down here…

    Glennia 05.28.07 at 8:06

    Thanks for the link, Frank! Hope you are enjoying the long weekend.

    Charles Follymacher 05.28.07 at 2:50

    *tips hat*

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