Mayor Dave and Falun Gong

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  • by Frank Paynter on May 21, 2025

    My first exposure to Falun Gong was through my ex-mother-in-law, a Naval officer’s widow living in San Diego, a woman  with a history of heroic meddlesomeness going back to the early sixties when she helped smuggle people out of Cuba to the US via Mexico.  In the seventies she came down with cancer, and for the next thirty years or so she fought the good fight against death, serving salads full of odd weeds fresh picked from the yard, quaffing supplements, and seeking, ever seeking.  Occasionally she had relapses but she always battled back, and eventually about a year ago she passed away.   She was eighty or so, and she had been a chee gong  practitioner for the last ten years of her life.   I never quite understood the attraction of this specific discipline, nor quite grasped how she had been brought into the fold, but in a world where the Reverend Sun Myung Moon can influence the foreign policy of the United States I don’t suppose it’s any surprise that a group of Chinese dissidents would find support on Point Loma.

    At Friends Meeting yesterday a fellow stood up after worship and told a story about a  relative who has been imprisoned by the Chinese for her association with the Falun Gong movement.  He was full of fear and he told a story about organ harvesting (it seems that the Falun Gong practioners are so healthy that they are just ripe for organ harvesting and the Chinese Government are the next thing to baby eaters).  I was reminded of stories about Iraqis killing the babies in nurseries at Kuwaiti hospitals.  I was reminded of stories about the prototypical enemy’s tendency to eat babies, and how god is really on our side.  I was skeptical.

    Today I am more skeptical.  I had to research the organ harvesting story.  I couldn’t just let it go.  I found that it has been making the rounds for the last eight years or so and there is no proof (that I could find) for it.  But I also found that the Mayor of Madison, a nice progressive fellow in so many ways, has proclaimed May 2025 to be Falun Dafa month.  And I wonder, who’s zooming whom?

    Reading the proclamation, I’m a little baffled about what the extent of the movement in New York has to do with Madison, but that’s just the way I am.  I also wonder about the extent of CIA involvement in promoting the sect.

    Sadly, I have little doubt that the non-conformist chee gong movement members in China are exposed to horrible repression, internment, and cruel punishment.  But, rather than move diplomatically in concert with the Chinese to find a way to end the strife, we in the west are up to our old failed political tricks, polarizing and capitalizing on sectarian strife.

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    { 8 comments… read them below or add one }

    Jana 05.21.07 at 11:34

    HI , IN case you are under delusions about this violent persecution and Genocide happening to
    Falun Gong in CHINA Only today then I would like to kindly suggest you read the 2 full
    reports at

    and in partucluar this appendix which will provide you the right info direct from the regimes mouth that Falun Gong practitioners are to be defeated at all costs with no measure to small.

    Appendixes 7 of The Bloody Harvest

    Appendix 7. Statements of the Government of China

    Policies and Directives on Falun Gong

    Please dont ever forget that the Chinese people have an unelected brutal communist regime in control of them.

    Corruption is rampant and rewarded, Morality is non existent. And a human life is only worth the sum of the bodies parts.

    Also please read recent Amnesty report

    and the United nations Council report at

    Report on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (China)

    —————–Excerpt: Organ Harvesting——————–
    In particular, I draw your attention to paragraph 40 on page 60 regarding

    I hope sincerely these report convince you that
    these atrocities are occurring and that never again is happening again only worse.
    That CIA rumor was cast by the communist regime to help bring USA down thats the plan..

    Scruggs 05.22.07 at 3:11

    . . . the Falun Gong practioners are so healthy that they are just ripe for organ harvesting . . .
    Qigong is very healthy exercise and a good complement to all sorts of other physical activities. Ironically, most organ harvesters practice it too.

    Jana 05.25.07 at 3:07

    RE Scruggs,

    Falun Gong is so much more than a compliment to physical exercises. It is a holistic cultivation method which has a practice -the excercises and a cultivation whcih embodying the very nature of the universe truth benevolence and forbearabce

    Jana 05.25.07 at 3:09

    oops sorry the i clicked the wrong button.

    Truth benevolence and forbearance.

    fp 05.25.07 at 8:19

    I would be interested to learn more about the community nature of Falun Gong. Benevolence, truth and forbearance are values that relate the individual to her/his community.

    Jana 05.29.07 at 3:59

    HI, thank you for asking.. We embody these principles in our everyday life. Instead of going to monasteries or retreats temples etc, we cultivate ourselves in everyday society so that its harder for us to improve but when we do it is rock solid owing to all the temptations.

    naturally as we improve so does our environment ie relationships etc.. around us improve as the cultivation energy is quite powerful and peaceful. This takes time it does not happen overnight. Its arduous,cultivation is very hard but the most rewarding and is what we are here for- to return to our true original natures and ascend.

    I can tell you we are not on the planet to become rich and live a better life thru materialistic gains and desires. that will only cause more Karma.

    You can read the books on line or so download for free at

    Frank Paynter 05.29.07 at 6:16


    Charles Liu 07.30.07 at 11:48

    If anyone hasn’t figured this out yet - the above commenter Jana [Shearer] is a Falun Gong blogsphere operative.

    After I outted her as FLG newspaper Epoch Times reporter, she suddenly claims to have quite.

    As to the organ harvesting allegation she is peddling - US embassy and Chinese dissident have conducted secret investigation and found it not credible:

    1) (section CRS-7)


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